Chapter 35

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New Racks ^

Another character change ! Lmao bare with me y'all I could not keep King Von as Racks that shit was gonna make me sad . Cause I casted him as Racks before he died and now ... UGH so yea this is the new Racks . However , imagine whatever you would like . These are just how I can see the characters in my head .

Please read the end message !!!


" Damn girl that was not at all part of the plan " Nas said laughing .

I let out a small chuckle " I know I know I literally could not control myself though . I couldn't just sit there and pretend like everything was cool " I explained getting in the car .

" So what are you gonna do now ? " Liza asked once we all settled in the car .

" Well I definitely don't wanna go home and be lonely , so if we're not doing anything I'm gonna go back inside " Camilla spoke before I could . I narrowed my eyes , I almost wanted to tell her to shut the fuck up . But I couldn't blame her too much I see where she's coming from . I was just so irritated , my blood was still pumping . I had to get out of here before I did something reckless .

It hurt even more that he hadn't come outside to check on me . He was probably still inside with his arm wrapped around her most likely telling her not to worry about me . Damn , I'm not gonna lie this shit stings .

" Well are you gonna find a ride back home ? " Liza shot back with an attitude . Despite the plan to give Camilla a ride here , Liza just drove both of them to my house to drop her car off so we could all ride together .

" Yea that's fine . Thanks for the ride here Karina , I really am sorry about tonight " She said with silence in response . I was too deep in thought to even give a fuck about what she was doing . And I kept quiet because I didn't want to take my anger out on her .

" So ... " Liza started again , " What now ? " She said as soon as the car got a little too quiet .

" I don't even know " And I really didn't . So many things were running through my mind .

" Okay girl I don't know y'all's history too much but it's obvious y'all had something going on for you to react like that . So ask yourself this , does he know he's wrong ? " Nas asked .

" Yes but at the same time we're both single . And it's already clear he doesn't want a relationship so - "

" So he must wanna keep you around for shits and giggles " Liza interrupted . " Honestly Rina , I do think he likes you . But I think he like playing with you more . And I mean he likes how he makes you feel about him , like it's a game to him "

" Mmm " Nas said shaking her head .
" Niggas like that just want you to be into them so you'll stick around when they do stupid shit . Cause if you not in a relationship , you not gon be mad at them enough to cut them off " She said matter of factly .

" Or Karina ... " Liza started , " Unless you make it known you want a relationship with him , you can't get mad at shit like this cause you can't expect a man to be anything other than a man "

" Ight I hear y'all " I finally responded starting my car up . And I truly did . I had to think about what I was gonna do moving forward cause I was hearing good advice , I'm just not used to dealing with men so I was still skeptical on how to approach this . I also hated the fact that so many people knew my business right now , it bothered me .

" Who was that boy staring me down so hard ? " Nas asked .

I cracked a smile " Thats Melo , East's big brother " I responded .

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