Chapter 27

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I guess you could say we're in a stalemate right now . No one knew who was the mole , reporting me to Racks . No one has figured out what Racks was up to and what he planned on doing with me . So to be frank , the tension was thick and everyone is on edge , including me . I mean , I was the " target " to be honest .

I stroked Kade's back as he fell asleep right next to me . I was so glad his youth kept him oblivious to the drama going on .

I heard light knocks at the door and before I could even respond , East popped his head through the door . I sighed getting up to go to the bathroom , not wanting to wake Kade .

" Damn is that always how you react when you see me ? " He asked making me giggle .

" No I just know you wanted to talk about what's been going on " I said playing with my curls in the mirror .

" How you know I ain't just wanna come see yo cute ass " He said doing that thing I love . Wrapping his arm around my chest from shoulder to shoulder . It truly felt like the safest place in the world . & It helped that he was kind of a giant standing at 6'6 & little ol me standing at 5'2 .

I took a deep breath as the butterflies fluttered in my stomach and my breathing picked up , I just hoped he wouldn't notice how nervous he makes me .

" Is that a crime ? " He asked once he noticed I didn't say anything .

" No " I mumbled trying my best to prevent the blush forming at my cheeks .

" Karina " I heard Kaine call out from my room . I instantly removed East's arm and walked out of the bathroom , not wanting him to catch us in an intimate moment .

" What's up " I asked casually sitting on the bed , hoping he wouldn't notice East coming out of the bathroom too .

" Should I come back orrr " He asked taking a step back .

" No no , what's up ? " I insisted .

He paused but decided to go ahead anyway " Well I thought you should have this since things are getting tense ya know " He said hanging me what looked like a lip stick bottle .

I furrowed my eyebrows & gave him a confused look " Well try it on " He smirked .

I put it up to my lips and winded the lipstick up only to be greeted with a sharp pocket knife . My reflexes kicked in and I instantly snatched it from my face .

" Damn Kaine , you was tryna kill her " East joked making him chuckle .

" Naah , but carry that with you at all times " He said before slowly backing out just in time before it got awkward .

My phone rang , breaking my thoughts . I smiled realizing it was Liza .

" Hey boo what's up "

" Don't hey boo me " She snapped , catching me off guard .

" I'm quite annoyed that I have to hear from my sister that my bestfriend is gang banging now " She said making my eyes widen , catching East's attention .

He sat down on the bed next to me as I struggled to think of what to say next . It honestly felt like Lani was digging a deeper hole with me . First , that East situation . Now , this , when I told her not to say anything .

" Uhhh what'd she say ? "

" That you started fuckin with East and got caught up " She explained .

My head shot back and my heart rate began to pick up " That's exactly what she said ? " I asked again to clarify .

" Yes word for word " She clarified . I narrowed my eyes . What the hell was Lani's problem ?

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