Chapter 33

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The closer we got to school time the less I wanted to go back . I'm not surprised though . I never really wanted to go to college . My dream was to start my own business but I wanted to make my mom happy . And getting a degree would make my mom happy .

But I don't know , I guess you could say I've lost the motivation . Me and Kade spoke to our mother as much as we could while she was struggling with immigration to get back to the states . She was happy to see us happy . And I was happy to see she's still safe . If only she'd know what I've been involved in .

I looked at my phone to see Melo texted me .

You still coppin ?

- Yea i'm boutta be omw

Despite all the chaos , me and Melo still kept our arrangement and I'm glad because I thought he'd let his brother get in his head . Most of the money went to my savings now that Kade didn't need it anymore . Moira and my father were doing a great job at keeping us straight .

" So I'm assuming you're not staying on campus " Nas said catching me at the door before I left .

I giggled a little " Nah probably not . You should still go though "

" Nah , to be honest it was Moira's idea for us to room together so I was only gonna do it if you were but that's okay " She explained .

" Oh okay . Well commuting isn't that bad " I said lastly before walking out to my car .

Melo was serious about changing the passcode , he wouldn't even give it to me . So once I arrived I had to ask one of the guys passing a blunt in rotation outside the door .

" Who you here to see lil mama ? " He asked walking over to me .

" Melo . He knows I'm coming " I said as he walked over to the keypad . 08214 . I repeated it over & over in my head so I could memorize it .

He unlocked it but didn't move from in front of the door " So you and East ... y'all a thing ? " He asked .

" Ask him " I said stepping to the door . At first he didn't move but then he stepped to the side only making me have to brush past him . I rolled my eyes walking past the main area further into the house until someone sitting on the deck outside caught my attention .

I squinted at the figure seeing it was East but there was someone with him . As I got closer I noticed it was a girl sitting on his lap puffing on a blunt . I didn't recognize her but I was so caught up in my thoughts that I didn't realize he's seeing me see them .

I quickly snapped out of it and made a bee line for Melo's office .

" Damn you in a rush ? " He asked .

" Yeah kinda " I dropped the money on his desk and he handed over the bag ,

" You know not to be in that area no more right " He reminded me of my situation with Racks .

" Yeah I know . I don't be out there . So what you end up doing with Rah ? " I asked since he made me leave early that day .

" He's handled " He said sorting out the money I just gave him .

" And what about Lani ? " I asked .

" Yeah that bitch not coming around no time soon . She know better " He said sitting back in his chair .

I wondered if she was home with Liza or if she disappeared or something .


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