Chapter 46

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Racks ^


I've been driving around for almost 30 minutes now and have no idea where to check . I wouldn't be surprised if Karina went to see her mom but even then I still don't know where she lives . On the bright side , Racks' niggas definitely went into hiding so I doubt she was in any sort of danger . I think she just went somewhere to clear her head . Last night was a lot for anyone to handle much less for Karina , who wasn't accustomed to this type of shit . She had no business being involved in this chaos . I just wish she would let a nigga help her out .

But anyways , she'd probably want to be somewhere quiet and isolated , somewhere peaceful . So I started checking ponds , creeks , and trails near the house . Then I drove out near the hospital to try and find some .

There was a heavily wooded forest with a little trail and hella geese in the area which lets me know there should be a body of water nearby . I could only drive up so far so I started to walk the rest of the way , enjoying the fresh air filling my nose .

I saw a small wooden dock clearly for decoration since there was no way a boat could fit here . The closer I got , the more I was able to see the edge of the dock . There was a person dangling their feet over the edge and I instantly knew it was Karina even though I couldn't see her clearly .

She looked up at me once I approached her and wiped her face with her sleeve then looked back out at the water .

" I didn't think you guys would check over here " She said softly .

Even with her eyes red and puffy from crying and her nose bright red she still looked so beautiful . I hated that she felt alone , why else would she come out here ?

I sighed , " So you really ain't want nobody to find you huh ? " I said sitting down next to her .

She ignored my question , " I bet it's so peaceful to be a duck . I've been watching these ducks just wade in the water in front of the sunrise and it made me so jealous for some reason because I couldn't bring myself to just jump in . Yet they can just come and go as they please . I envy that luxury "

" So you're crying cause you wanna be a duck ? " I joked making her laugh . But I completely understood her analogy . It was comforting seeing her smile , but even better because I'm the reason for it .

" No . Shut up " She shoulder bumped me .

I wrapped my arm around her and she rested her head on my shoulder making me squeeze her a little tighter .

" You know if you was with me you could have that luxury . You would never have to leave your family behind because of me . It would be so simple " I said . Maybe I got ahead of myself because the feeling of her on me made my heart beat twice as fast . I hope she couldn't feel it .

I wasn't trying to steal her from East . At the end of the day , that was still my brother . But seeing how he treats her , he wasn't capable of handling something so beautiful with care .

" Please Kaine " She said softly , gripping my arm that rested on her shoulders , " Just be here now " The tone in her voice dropped a little and I didn't want her to get sad again .

" Fine " I said standing up slowly so she had a chance to sit up .

She looked up at me with a hint of worry in her eyes . I think she thought I was upset , but I wasn't . I took my hoodie off then my sweatpants and the look in her eyes switched to confusion .

" Well come on , jealousy isn't a good look on you " I said before doing a backflip into the water .

When I resurfaced she was still sitting there but with a smile on her face .

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