Chapter 30

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Nas ^^

[ Last Night ]


I left the house frustrated seeing that Kaine was angry with me now . It baffled me that he gets so butt hurt over this bitch . He wasn't even mad at me about our conversation ; he was mad about what I said to Karina . He was pissing me off , I had to go . I got in my car and saw Racks calling me .

" Hello ? "

" Yeo , meet me at my crib , this nigga done for tonight " He said before hanging up .

I rolled my eyes before starting up the car and going to his house anyway . I saw an extra car in the driveway so I picked up speed to the front door to figure out what's going on .

" Hey wassup " I greeted Rah near the front door .

" Come on " He said and I followed him .

" Do you know what's going on ? " I asked him .

" Nah he just told me to come and wait for you " He said picking up his speed .

We walked into the garage to see Malik tied up in the corner with duct tape on his mouth .

" Yo what the fuck Racks " Rah started towards him but Racks stopped him .

" Nah get back " Racks motioned with his gun .

I saw this coming . Malik did this to himself .

" I gave you a chance to get your cousin together and you didn't . This nigga took money out of my fucking account and gave it back to the opps " He said shaking his head , " That's a no go . So Rah because this your blood and your responsibility , you gon take care of this for me ight " He said tucking his gun away .

" I'm not finna kill my cuz man " He said back to him taking a few steps back .

" Imma tell you sum right now . Ya cousin gon meet jesus tonight regardless . I'm just tryna see where your loyalty at . I mean after all you could've been telling him this shit all along . How I'm 'posed to know he was ear hustling " He said getting closer to Rah . He not even gon do it . He's too pussy for this .

" You know he ain't gon do it Racks " I said stepping in front of them . " He don't got it in him " I said shaking my head .

" You think so Lani ? " Racks asked taking the gun out of his waistline .

When Rah finally pulled his gun out , Malik started to struggle and make noises . Racks put his away and folded his arms waiting for Rah to make a move .

Before I could look away , Rah put three hot ones in his chest . " Finally . Can I go now ? " I said getting impatient .

" Naah you know what to do , call up the guys and clean this shit up " He said before throwing his arm over Rah's shoulder and walking out of the garage .

I rolled my eyes and started dialing .


I woke up the next morning reluctant to get out of bed . I was kind of hesitant to have this conversation , but I was also excited to talk to my mom . But last night I told Liza how nervous I was feeling and she agreed to spend the night with me .

After doing my morning routine , I packed up as much as I could and Liza helped me roll the suitcases out .

Kade wasn't in a good mood since he's not a morning person so he trailed behind with his tablet .

Kaine was the only one in the living room . He turned the tv down once he put two and two together .

" You leaving ? " He asked getting up .

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