Chapter 20

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For those of you who've been reading for a while , THIS IS THE NEW MELO ^^^^ MELO ^^^^^

For the new readers , hello lovelies :)) don't mind this , this Melo is the same Melo you just saw in Chapter 17

Idk I just felt like he fit the character better than the last guy I had


It's been a couple days since Melo & I have done business together . And I can honestly say , it has been worth it ... so far . Before deducting Melo's cut , I've made $400 in 2 days . As soon as I touched 250 I went right up to the school to pay for Kade's test that's scheduled in a few days .

So today , I'm taking him to Barnes & Nobles to get some of the gifted practice test books so he can be prepared . Not only do I want Kade to be in school with his level . I wanted him to exceed that . If my mother ever came back one day , I wanted her to know how well he was doing . And how hard I'm trying to get him there .

Unfortunately , I had to sacrifice my schooling to focus on Kade's . But once I enrolled him , bought him school clothes & supplies , I'd use the money to put me through college . Or at least pay for my next semester if I had found a reliable job by then .

But as of right now , everything was smooth sailing .


Kev slipped into a coma the night he got shot . The doctors say it's a good chance he'll come back but Melo wasn't buying it . It was as if he was already ready to bury another brother . And I didn't know if that was a good thing or a bad thing . But I do know that I was hurting for him . Him & Kev weren't as close as he was to Rex but the brotherly love was still there .

There was nothing much we could do for him other than visit him at the hospital & talk to him . Other than that , we spent most of our time in the house discussing how we were gonna handle Racks in such a chaotic era . But business is business and shit needed to be handled .

I couldn't find one of my shirts that I wanted to wear then remember Karina was wearing my clothes for a little . I carelessly walked straight into her room to see my shirt hanging up in the closet . Thank God I didn't have to go digging for it . Once I grabbed my shirt , I turned around about to leave then saw a phone plugged in on her nightstand .

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion . She wouldn't leave the house without her phone right ? But then the phone started to look more and more familiar .

I tossed my shirt on the bed and picked up the phone unlocking it . I went straight to the messages to see if what I was thinking was true . And believe it or not , I saw exactly what I suspected and immediately left the room to go talk to Melo . This was the same exact phone I used when I refused to become partner a while ago and just did petty shit like this on the side for him .

But Karina ? He recruited Karina ? As confused as I was , I knew Melo was a chess not checkers player . So I knew whatever he was up to was definitely something worth knowing . Melo's problem is he only thinks of what has to be done and to do it . And in some situations , that's a great mentality because it got things done . But it became a problem when other things were at cost .

Instead of leaving the house to go see Melo , I sat on the couch contemplating about how I should go through it . I could always just tell Kaine and let him handle it but I was the one that found the phone .

My gnawing thoughts came to an end as Karina walked in the house with Kade running ahead of her .

" Wassup lil man " I said sitting up and greeting him .

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