Chapter 34

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Karina ^^^

Yes yes the change everyone has been waiting for lmaooo . Y'all know I like to please y'all .

As a thank you , you guys can check out my other series The Heartless ;)) It's completely finished and it's a good read especially between the updates on this book . However , I'm definitely going to get better updating this book more often , i promise !

Thanks lovelies !!


[ Next Day ]


I hesitated to answer Liza's call . But I know I'll have to speak to her eventually .

" Hello ? " I spoke .

" Hey " She said in a low tone .

" What's up ? " I hope all the drama with Lani hadn't gotten Liza involved . I know she wanted to stay away from that kind of drama .

She sighed " The other day Lani left a note basically explaining that she had to leave town for a little while , to do some ' traveling ' " She said sarcastically , " And long story short my aunt found out and is flying here this weekend to take me to Seattle to live with her where I would technically be alone most of the time since she's a flight attendant and I really don't want to go " She rambled sounding like she was choking up .

Oh gosh . The drama had definitely got to her and I want to feel bad but Lani got better than what she deserved . Some things are better left unsaid, but I wanted to be honest with her . It's not like she didn't know anything about this and doesn't know the people involved anyway . We were like family to her , I think she should know the truth . But not until she felt a little better because it didn't seem like she could handle another blow .

" Ohhhh Liza I'm so sorry . You wanna come over ? You should " I reasoned .

" Yea sure I don't wanna be alone anyway . I'm gonna get ready now " She sniffled .

" Okay , I'll be here " I hung up and tucked my phone in my back pocket .

" Hey can I talk to you for a sec ? " I knocked on Nas' already opened door .

" Yea sure " She said sitting up putting her laptop to the side .

I bobbed my head listening to ' We Paid ' by Lil Baby playing in the background , making my way to the little futon she had in her room .

" Do you have any friends around here ? I never see you go out " I asked .

She sighed , and it was a pretty long sigh . " You smoke ? " She asked teaching into this decorated metal box . I had only smoked with East and never even thought about doing it again , but I did like the way it made me feel . At least temporarily . It quieted my thoughts , made everything I stressed about seem less important .

" Yea sure " I answered back sitting up .

She pulled an already rolled blunt out of an open backwoods packet . She put it to her lips and sparked .

" So I'm originally from Atlanta but my parents got divorced cause my dad was fuckin crazy and mom was tired of the bullshit so we moved here " She paused , coughing , handing me the blunt .

" Mmm damn I didn't even know " I let the warm smoke fill my lungs before coughing it up too . " So do you know how our parents met ? "

" Uhhh yeah actually , my mom was a real estate agent , she sold him this house " She said fixing the blunt which was unraveling .

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