Chapter 32

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Racks ^^^

Y'all ready for a major sex scene orrrrrr whaaaa ????

Also there are a couple time codes throughout the story because in this chapter there are multiple pov's at around the same time .

Karina {1:00pm}

" Let me know when y'all got him at the place . Imma pull up " I said on the phone to Melo while walking into my house .

" Lock " He said before hanging up .

" You want some dinner sugar plumb ? " Moira asked me from the kitchen . I looked seeing Nas sitting at the bar stool eating .

Before I could answer , she came over to me , grabbed my arm and lead me to the kitchen area anyway . I am hungry and the food smelled really good .

" Kade starts school tomorrow " She said excitedly .

" Really ? Where ? " I smiled as I realized she was a making a plate for me . I sat down next to Nas still feeling the warm sensation .

" Oh just up the street . So you know Nas is starting next semester too . You should join her " She said setting the plate down in front of me .

I could see Nas fiddling with the charm that hung off her necklace .

" Oh okay , what grade are you in ? " I asked her .

" I'm a sophomore " She responded .

" Oh okay , me too " I continued eating my food .

" So do you want to start ? " Moira asked followed by a silence .

" Ummm I haven't really given much thought to school " I shrugged .

" Okay hun , no pressure . Gene was just telling me you were going to school when your mom was here so I just wanted you to know you can still do that " She explained .

" Oh okay , thank you " I replied still eating my food .

" If you want , we can dorm together " Nas suggested .

" Yeah that'd be fun . Which college ? " I asked .

" NYU " She responded .

" Oh okay that's not far " From my old house in Harlem , it was only 20 minutes away .

" Yeah girl just let me know asap . Cause housing applications open up soon " She said putting her dishes in the sink and leaving the kitchen .


Alani [ 2:46pm ]

" They're gonna talk to Rah and you need to talk to him before they do " I said putting both hands on Racks' desk .

" Why ? Rah knows not to cross me he real right wit us " He responded ashing his blunt .

" Yeah maybe so buuuut he's gonna fold under their pressure . They're childhood friends so he may not be as solid as you think " I said snatching the blunt from him since he wasn't listening .

Sha walked into the room , giving me a hug then sitting on Racks desk next to him .

" Think about what I said " I said puffing his blunt before walking out closing the door behind me .

" Aye you owe me anotha blunt !! " I heard him yell back .

Aliza [ 1:52 pm ]

Camilla and I didn't really leave off on good terms ever since the whole split between her and Jess and me and Karina . But when I found out through instagram that Malik got shot , I knew she was going through it .

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