Chapter 11

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A couple weeks have passed since I had to bring the old me out . But now I was back to my normal self considering the fact that my plan went successful . After these people seen what I was made of , i was left alone . Everything was quiet . I hadn't talked to East , Jess leaves me alone , Camilla be up under her ass but she's away from me which is all that matters , & Liza is the only one I've bonded with .

" I don't see how you do it " Liza started giggling , " How you switch from being a bitch not to fuck with to an easy target "

I shrugged " That girl has a lot of issues so I try not to be that girl anymore "

" Issues ? "

" Well as you can probably already guess , I used to have really bad anger issues . Like it was bad . One day it got out of hand and decided I needed to change myself and voila , this is what I changed to " I explained . I didn't want to think about my past & why my anger was so bad so I hope she didn't push .

" I understand . But I like her , she was lit . Act up you can get snatched up oueeeee " She stick her tongue out rapping .

" You a fool " I laughed at her .

" You can't find an in between ? I don't know , I don't want you to be angry but I like you better when you're social " She said getting semi serious .

" I know I know , but staying to myself keeps me out the mix . Especially now that that whole East and Jess situation is over with . I just want everything to go back to normal " I explained to her hoping she wouldn't push .

" I feel you . But honestly , you see being shy and nice still didn't work so I think you should just be yourself and fuck what anybody else has to say " She shrugged making me shrug right after her .

Ever since me & Liza got closer , she's definitely distanced herself from Camilla & Jess . She knows I can't fuck with her if she fucks with them .

So I was surprised to see Jess' name pop up on her phone " The fuck ? " She said as we both stared at her vibrating phone .

" Answer it " I suggested .

She answered it & put it on speaker which is lowkey what I wanted her to do anyway .

" Hello " She answered .

" Hey Liza I really need your help " She said sounding desperate making me roll her eyes . This bitch was always the star of a pity party .

" My help ? Where's Camilla ? " She asked reading my mind

" We both need your help " Camilla spoke from the background .

I rolled my eyes . Females are so dramatic , it's ridiculous . This is why staying to myself has always been the better alternative than having female friends .

" With what ? " Liza said getting frustrated .

" Well not necessarily us but East needs our help " Jess said . From what I've seen , East does not give one fuck about this girl .

" What happened ? "

" It's his brother . If we don't help him , he'll end up just like him " Camilla explained .

His brother ? I had no idea what was going on & didn't need to know so I tuned Liza & her conversation out while scrolling on my phone . Liza is a grown woman & will do as she pleases . That's none of my business .

She sighed finally hanging up & rubbing her temples . " You good ? " I asked her .

" Yeah . East is just in trouble " She said keeping it short .

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