Chapter 17

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Melo ^^^

Lol I just felt like he fit the character better idk lmao


" Ight y'all watch each other's six " Melo said to us as we hopped out the car pulling up in front of Racks' spot .

Here we were less than 24 hours later after my brother finally met with my pops . Less than 24 hours later , we doing something we wasn't even sure about doing just the otha day . Like I said , I've always wondered why Melo never visits my pops . Now I'm starting to think it's cause he tryna avoid playing my pops' puppet . All that nigga gotta do is say one thing when it comes to these streets & Melo go right after it .

Despite what his own feelings & thoughts may be .

I snapped out of my thoughts just naturally irritated .

" Ight y'all know we can't pull up deep . Y'all know what that mean " Melo said to his boys then turned to us , " No funny shit let me do the talking baby bro control that temper , " I was getting more irritated by the moment as he kept practically lecturing me . But he was right , I couldn't allow my temper to increase tension . I mean I see where he was coming from but damn , " We don't need no lives lost today bro you heard ? " He dapped me up .

Or maybe my irritation was coming from my own nervousness . Cause he kept lecturing me because this damn near my first high intense meeting .

Like I said I handled the drugs & shit . Melo did all this shit on his own . But territory .... Territory was the cause of the last war they all had years ago , that I wasn't part of at the time .

So let's just say this lil meeting is only gonna go one of two ways .

I became guarded as soon as we approached the niggas in front of the door .

" Melo for Racks " Was all he said . Short and simple .

They scanned us up & down then patted us , " Yeah these gotta go " They removed the glizzy's from our waist . Expected . I mentally scoffed as me & Melo walked inside the warehouse still strapped .

Racks' right hand man Tez led us towards the room . I figured he'd be the one to be a part of this too .

Melo & I sat on the couches , already ready to get the fuck up outta here .

" So , " He chuckles , " What brings you ? "


Somehow , someway , I allowed Liza to convince me to meet her older sister , along with Kade . Yeah , once she caught glimpse of my hesitance towards her offer , she dragged me into this .

Sometimes the little things are still worth standing up for yourself . But I disregarded the thought as Liza led us in .

It was very clean & very modern & bright . I thought it was nice enough until we turned the corner with a huge living with huge windows as walls gazing over the night city lights .

Okay ..... someone's rich . Everybody living lavish expect me . Something gotta change .

" Okay just wait here " She said patting the plush white fur couch . She didn't have to tell me twice .

I plopped down on to it , relaxing but not getting too comfortable . My usual routine started once I heard double the footsteps coming my way . But I rubbed my hands softly in circles on my jean covered thigh soothing me . Learned that from youtube .

Only so nervous because the last people I've met have made my life ..... eventful . Which I'm usually against .

I tried my best to push those thoughts away & got up to greet her .

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