Chapter 25

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Liza ^^^


" Alright don't pull too hard but just breathe in like all the way through " He said watching me take a puff of the blunt intently .

The second I breathed in , I started coughing like crazy trying to hand him the blunt before I drop it . He laughed before taking a long draw and blowing it back out smoothly .

Thank god , I brought water in here cause that's exactly what I needed . I did not like the way this makes me throat feel .

" You're letting it hit the back of your throat when you just need to breathe it all the way in " He explained again while demonstrating .

I nodded making him hand the blunt . I took a deep breath before hitting it again but getting the same result .

But after the 2nd hit , I was beginning to feel a slight tingle . I laughed at myself because my lungs are so weak . He laughed at me laughing at myself and by now we were both weak .

I handed the blunt back to him , sitting back relaxing in my seat . " So wassup with you ? " He asked slightly smirking at me .

" What you mean ? " I've never flirted before but it felt natural when I was with him . Don't get me wrong though , my heart felt like it was going to jump out of my chest at any second .

" I mean like what's good witchu " His low gaze never left my face . His eyes definitely got red quickly .

" I'm chillin . Wassup witchu ? " I said back hoping that didn't sound awkward .

We spent a couple hours talking , and despite the fact that we've wanted to rip each other's heads off , we actually get along . From what it seems , we actually have a lot in common .

I sat up leaning on the middle arm console cause sitting in a car eventually gets tiring but I wasn't complaining . By now I was extremely high and feeling really good .

East pulled out another blunt ready to spark again . I guess he noticed me watching him, " What ? You tapping out ? " He asked chuckling .

I gave him a ' boy please ' look . " Never that " I responded before taking the blunt from him and hitting it . I had developed a helpful technique that I'd often see people do in videos when smoking , just so I wasn't coughing as much .

He raised his eyebrow as if he were ready to challenge me but instead thankfully changed the subject , " You tryna play some music ? " He asked hitting the bluetooth on his radio .

I shrugged and began setting my phone up " Does it matter what I play ? "

" Naah not for real " He responded scrolling on his phone .

I wonder how long we were gonna stay out here .


" You some ass bro " I laughed beating my younger cousin , Rah , at 2k for the third time tonight . Right now we were at his crib playing the game .

" Man fuck you " He said tossing the controller to the side . " So did Kaine ever tell you about ol girl I told you about ? " He asked me .

" Naah he never did tell me . I haven't asked yet though " I replied .

" Ight " He said locking his phone and getting up , " My big homie boutta come over and smoke with us , that's cool ? " He asked .

I shrugged but scowled my eyes at him . " Big homie ? " I asked , not sure exactly what he meant .

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