Chapter 24

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Malik ^^^


As I drove home in silence , I thought about what I would do when I got home , when we got home . I know Kaine wanted to talk to me but I am so tempted to just go straight to my room . Arguing really didn't sound appealing ; especially since it's still morning time . And I just really wasn't in the mood to tell the whole truth .

But I knew I'd have to face him soon . And that this secret wasn't going to last too long . Remembering what I went through when East found out made me anxious all over again . So the usual routine started with my body and I just knew there was no escaping it this time . I had to handle this as myself no matter what .

I swallowed the lump in my throat when the door knob started jiggling . But I pretended like I was doing something , not wanting to make it awkward like I was waiting for them to come home .

But it was only East that entered the house , " Where's Kaine ? " I asked immediately .

He shrugged , " He said he had something to do " He said going to the kitchen . I still felt pretty horrible about what happened .

I followed him in and gave him a side hug , " I'm really sorry East , I really did not mean to get you caught up in that "

" Naah it wasn't your fault " He said but still not hugging me back .

" Does he know ? " I asked letting him go and taking a step back .

" Naah I told him you just grabbed the wrong bag . It's not my place to tell him that " He responded making me sigh in relief . But I wouldn't feel fully relieved until we talked .

" You smoke ? " He asked changing the subject .

" No , I never have " I said looking at him confused .

" You wanna smoke with me tonight ? " He asked leaning on the counter in front of me .

I frowned , contemplating " Umm I don't know . I never thought about it " I shrugged .

" Well I gotta make plays tonight anyway so roll with me and we'll see what you tryna do " He offered .

I was slightly confused but more so nervous . It's not like I didn't understand what he was asking or what he was trying to do . It was more so ' why ' . Like why this sudden interest to be around me more ? But I couldn't even deny it , cause I was feeling the same way .

" Okay " I smiled .

" Ight , I'll let you know when we gonna leave " He said before walking out the kitchen with his snacks .

I felt so many butterflies in my stomach and instantly felt the urge to become perfect between now and tonight . I feel like these are the things Liza should be a part of . I miss her a lot .

I jogged downstairs and decided to facetime her , not remembering if she's in class or not .

When ' connecting ... ' popped up on my screen , I felt happy .

" Heeeeeeeey " She said eagerly .

" Hiiiii , watcha doin ? " I asked her since I was staring at her ceiling .

" Just cleaning and stuff " She responded , " And you ? "

" Sooo East wants me to smoke with him tonight but I don't know if I should " I said grinning in the camera completely ignoring her question .

" What ? Why not ? " She asked .

" You have ? " I asked intrigued .

" Ahaha yeah , I've smoked with East before too " She added in .

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