Chapter 21

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" This is lowkey fucked up " Lani said folding her arms sitting in my passenger seat .

" Naah it's fucked up you letting that girl slang dope . You know damn well she has no idea what she got herself into . You and Melo both . Y'all playing that girl . Y'all don't think I know what y'all up to " I barked back .

She kissed her teeth , " I told you you need to talk to your brother "

" Man shut up " I said before finally parking some distance behind her parked her .

This time she got out & walked inside an apartment building . This girl was so dumb . It's 11 o'clock at night and she going up to somebody door .

" Melo ain't tell her not to get out the car ? " I asked her .

" Naah we did " She said sitting up looking anxious .

" Get in the driver's seat " I said pulling the black ski mask over my face and getting out the car .

I waited by the side of the apartment building and waited for her to come out . And as soon as she came out , I snatched her ass up , quickly pulling her into the alley next to us and slamming her against the wall .

" Run yo pockets shorty " I covered her mouth before she could scream and the look in her eyes was pure fear .

She looked like she was about to pass out or have a heart attack . I wanted to laugh in her face . I planned on snatching my mask off and showing her this ain't what she want . But instead I decided to stay in character .

" You heard me ! " I yelled making her flinch . " Let me get them keys too , I like yo car " She started to cry but still obliged . I didn't even have a gun or a knife to her and she folded this easily .

She pulled the wad of cash & car keys out of her pockets and handed it to me .

" Let's go " I said then dragging her by her arm to her own car .

She whimpered as I shoved her in the car and pulled off once I started the engine . I looked in the rear view mirror to see Lani following me . She better not crash my shit .

Before we made it to the warehouse I put another ski mask over her head as she sniffled the whole time we were walking . I almost felt bad but she should realize this shit could very well happen .

The guys stared at me in confusion as I dragged her straight to Melo's office .

" Give us the room Sha " I said plopping Karina in the seat in front of his desk .

She mad an ' oop ' face before hopping off Melo's lap and scurrying out the room but not before giving Lani a hug .

" I'll explain later " I heard Lani whisper before she finally left .

I snatched the mask off her head and leaned against the desk . She gasped before realizing where she was and who she was around and gave Melo a confused look before giving me the same look . Yeah they was lost . It was silent . Nobody knew what to say and I wanted them to speak first .

" W-Whats g-going on ? " Karina asked before sniffling again .

" You tell me " I said staring in her eyes . They were gorgeous . This girl was too fragile and too innocent to be doing anything like this .

" Ight East cut the games , what the fuck going on ? " Melo said standing up .


Part of me was relieved I wasn't in danger anymore . And the other part of me was furious that East just handled me that way .

" I caught her walking into somebody apartment building and boom " He snapped , " I snatched her up and dragged her into an alley in five seconds . Just that quick "

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