Chapter 38 ( Part 2 )

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Melo ^


Once I walked into the house , I made a bee line for my room but Nas caught me at my door . It's not that I didn't want to talk to her . I just wanted to cry in the shower and be alone .

" Girl what happened ? You seen how many times I called you ? " She asked with a stack of papers in her hand .

" No I'm sorry I just came from talking to Melo and East " I sighed rubbing my face .

" Oh gosh , was it bad ? " She said sitting down on my bed .

" Kind of . They basically told me to help them set him up or they were just gonna kill him anyway . But I don't know , me and Melo kind of got into it . So now I have until tomorrow to figure out what to do " I explained to her .

" Well girl I might've just did you a
favor " She said sorting through the papers on my bed . She handed me a photograph of a family .

" Who do you see in there ? "

I grabbed the photo with both hands and concentrated on the faces . " Oh shit . That's Racks and Moira ... " Her hands were resting on his shoulders which led me to believe she's his mom or some sort of relative , regardless they knew each other .

" So they had a kid together ? " I asked ,

" I guess so . I don't know I haven't talked to her yet " She answered .

" What ? No you can't talk to her until this whole thing blows over . She can't tip him off " I said debunking that idea .

" Okay okay . Almost everything is already in that file . I read everything . Racks basically killed that man in the photo . Shot him 5 times . The little hispanic girl came to live here with her aunt . Racks went to juvie for 4 years which explains why nobody really knows about this . He was a minor so everything was kept confidential . And my mom had to be in a relationship with that man . I just don't know why Racks killed him " She explained even though I only heard bits and pieces because I was reading .

" Hold on . It says here Moira claimed Rodrigo was abusive towards her and Trevor and that's why he killed him . No wonder he only got 4 years " I said looking up at her .

" Oh shit . Really ? I missed that " She said coming over to me to read what I was reading .

" Abuse huh ? I don't know " I said sounding weary , " You know your mom better than me . Do you think she was abused for real ? Or did she lie to help out her son ? " I asked .

She raised her eyebrows , " Girl I don't even know " . We'll come back to that .

I looked back at the photo " Damn who is this little girl though ? She might know something " I stared at her face .

" I don't know , do you know anyone hispanic ? " She shrugged her shoulders .

Think . Think . Think . Who did I know was hispanic ? Lani ... no . Sha ... maybe . Camilla ... No .

" Hold on . Melo mentioned his boss' name earlier . Driga . That sounds hispanic right ? " I said to her hoping she could help me piece this together .

" Driga . Girl that sounds more than hispanic . It sounds like the girl version of Rodrigo " She said staring at me making the light bulb come on .

" Holy shit . Okay wait wait wait . If Driga is Melo's boss and is making a deal with Racks , that means she's his boss too ... " I trailed .

" Right right . So the working theory is that he killed her father " She finished .

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