Chapter 13

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Kaine ^^

Lol try to keep up ; this a crazy chapter ... This book is gonna be everything but cliché . Also read the message at the end !

6 Months Later


" It's gonna be okay " I said cradling Kade in my arms as we took shelter under a tree since it was raining .

" I'm cold " He whined making me embrace him tighter .

I covered him with the muddy blankets we had & built us a little fort with the cardboard i had left .

" The raining will stop soon " I assured him .

This was our life now & there was nothing I could do about it . The little bit of money I made at Wendy's wasn't enough to take care of Me & Kade , only to feed us & pay for necessities .

3 Months Prior

Kade screamed as the banging on the front door kept scaring him . I was so confused but my mom grabbed a knife .

" Hide in the closet and do not make a sound . Do you understand me ? " She asked .

" Mommy come in here with us " My eyes watered as the banging got louder & more frequent .

" Don't move " She demanded before moving all the coats to hide us then shutting down .

Moments later I heard my mom yelling continuously " I'm legal " over & over & over again followed by multiple thumps , thuds , & loud bangs . Me & Kade held each other silently crying not knowing what was happening to my mother .

By the time we came out , the living room was trashed & my mother was gone .

Just like that ICE ripped a mother from her two children leaving us homeless & nowhere to go .

Current Time


" You can take the weekend off Lydia " I said making her stop dusting .

" Really ? Thank you so much David " She exclaimed then proceeded cleaning the windows in my mansion .

I weighed & bagged up an ounce and gave it to Kaine for him to make the drop . After several physical altercations & conversations , nothing changed between me & Melo for a very long time . We always butt heads & couldn't get along for the longest . That was until I decided to become partner , dropped out of college , & made millions with my brother running the streets in Harlem . But i was the drug guy , Melo handled the bloody ruthless part of the business . I wasn't ready to end nobody life so he took care of the niggas that wanted smoke with us . I took care of the money making shit .

" What's moves today ? " Malik asked . He was the only one that remained solid & ain't wanna be a part of this drug shit . Once I made partner , Kaine would not stop talking my ear off about joining and working under me . I refused for a long time but eventually gave in .

But Malik , wanted no parts .

" Nothing he's staying home with me " Jess interrupted sitting on my lap . We weren't together , I just enjoyed fucking her whenever I want & she knows that .

Malik cleared his throat dramatically " So yeah East what's moves tonight ?

I chuckled " Nothing man I'm in the crib tonight cuh " I responded sparking my blunt . Had nothing to do with Jess . It's just that these niggas wanted to do something every night & I'm a homebody .

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