Chapter 23

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Kaine ^^^

Btw , I hope you guys like the new cover for the book . I think it looks a lot better . But Dave East looks zaddyish in anything .


" Do you think he's gonna say something to his brother ? " I whispered to Kade as we hid in the closet of the room we were in . Thankfully we heard them go upstairs but now was the time for me to think on my feet .

How the hell was I gonna get us out of here ? .... Safely .

" No , he said he's not allowed to have people over without his brother here " He whimpered . His tiny heart was beating so fast .

I had no choice but to call Melo .

" Did you leave yet ? " He said into the phone immediately .

" Uhhhhhh .... working on that "

He sucked his teeth " Man what you mean ? "

" Sooooo me and Kade are in a closet because Racks came home before we could leave and the door in the room we're in is locked and I have no idea how to get out of here but on the bright side I have a duffel bag full of his shit " I rambled all in one breath keeping my voice low .

" You are the dumbest girl I know ... " He trailed " But you my nigga tho ayeeee you finessed that nigga " He said laughing making me laugh too .

But he cut me off quick " But that shit don't matter cause you boutta get smoked " He stopped laughing .

" That's why the fuck I called you . Help me ! " I whisper shouted .

" What the fuck am I supposed to do ? He can't know you were in there . So I can't just demand he let you go . I can't get involved Karina , you gotta get yourself and Kade outta there . I don't know that nigga's house . Or else he's gonna know and you gon have to watch over yo shoulder for the rest of your life .... IF YOU MAKE IT OUT ALIVE " I sighed in frustration hanging up on him .

Sometimes I forget me & Melo really aren't that close . Cause if it was Kaine , he'd be here in under 5 minutes , no doubt . But Melo was no use and of course East is still locked up so it's all on me this time .

I took deep breaths while soothing Kade . He had no idea what was going on but I could tell he was terrified . Shit , so was I . But I remained calm , especially for his sake .

The only way I see possible is to sneak out the front . Hopefully they just wouldn't notice the door that they locked became unlocked .

" Okay " I grabbed Kade's little face and made him look at me , " This is like a video game . We're on a mission and we've gotta escape without getting caught . So you have to watch me , follow me , and stay extremely quiet or the demogorgons are gonna come and eat you " I explained to him making him laugh quietly .

Then suddenly a light in the room flicked on . I forced an excited look on my face and shh'd Kade , trying my best to hide my panicked expression .

My chest rose up and down so fast but I kept control of my breathing . I could hear the footsteps walking further into the room and who I'm assuming is Racks came into sight .

Followed by a ..... dog ? It finally clicked as he walked the dog outside and closed the door behind him .

Adrenaline kicked in . Now was our chance . I allowed a few seconds to pass by before quietly but quickly opening the closet door and grabbing little Kade's hand .

Once we were out , the impatience and fear that rushed through my body as it was taking me forever to quietly close the closet door made my anxiety shoot through the roof .

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