Chapter 14

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I was awaken to slight nudging & my eyes slowly blinked open as I saw a humongous house in front of me .

Damn no wonder he was so willing to accept me in . This house was huge and he had another fancy ass car in the driveway .

I woke up Kade cause he was way too heavy to carry inside the house . I was a little embarrassed to walk inside the house knowing I don't smell the greatest and also the fact that neither of us had any fresh clothes right now .

" Hey , just curious ummm what are me and Kade gonna wear ? " I asked as we walked up the stairs to grand double doors to his house .

" Well lucky for him i have a little cousin that visits a lot so he can wear some of his stuff until we go shopping but as for you .... " He showed only the bottom row of his teeth as like an ' uh oh ' face .

" You just gon have to thug it out until we can take you to buy some stuff " We said finally reaching the doors .

" You live by yourself ? " I asked . I mean who would want to live in this big ass house with no one else around .

" Uhhh sum like that " He answered entering the house with me following behind . I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion as he led me through the dark house and down the stairs .

" I'll be back with some clothes " He said once he showed me the bedroom .

It was really nice & had its own bathroom . Kade jumped on the bed & I smacked his head . " Boy get off the bed and wait until you take a bath " I scolded .

I couldn't blame him tho ; the bed smelled soooooo nice & had perfect white sheets . I'm not gonna lie though , I missed my bed at my house . I almost started tearing up thinking about my mom & how much I miss her . I wouldn't wish this feeling on my worst enemy .

Kaine finally returned with our clothes saving me from my own thoughts .

" Ight like I said , you in a house with all men soooo these ethikas are the best I can do for you as far as underwear " He said tossing me the clothes . Men ? It was only the underwear & a t-shirt . I hoped it was long on me . I wasn't tryna walk around with my cheeks out .

I giggled " Thank you . I really appreciate this . As soon as I - "

He flagged me off " You good . Just get some sleep . I know you and lil mans got itis " He said making me laugh once more before closing the door behind him .

Once me & Kade got washed up , we knocked out in the bed together . The best sleep I've had in 3 months .

By the time I woke up , Kade was missing . I took that as an opportunity to sprawl out and relax before having to get up .

Walking into the bathroom , I smiled realizing there were two brand new toothbrushes & toothpaste waiting at the sink . I must've brushed my teeth for like 8 minutes . Every time I began to think this was way too good to be true , I had to divert those thoughts & accept these blessings . I mean if he wanted to buy me my own house & car , who am I to protest ? Haha , I'm so extra . But as humble as I am , I couldn't allow Kade to go back to the lifestyle we were once living .

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