Chapter 10

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I couldn't make an ass out of myself . I had to be smart about this . It's obvious there's a bunch of he said she said & people are just believing anything so I had to make sure I got the truth . I had no idea what Jess was telling everyone but I had to go to the root & see where the story is getting thrown off .

I parked my car in front of his shop seeing the light still on . I truly didn't give a fuck who was still in there . People were taking advantage of my kindness on a whole other level & I wasn't gonna tolerate that shit anymore . This shy act wasn't cutting it .

I stormed inside the barber shop seeing Malik & Kaine talking & joking with East .

" What the fuck did you tell Jess ? " I said walking right up to him staring him in his face . His eyebrows shot up & it got dead quiet . " Hello " I said snapping in his face .

He came back to reality & answered ,
" What you mean what I tell her ? "

" You tell me . All I know is you need to tell me everything that led up to her putting her hands on me . What the fuck happened between y'all cause it obviously had something to do with me " East couldn't help but to widen his eyes never seeing this side of me but I was used to this reaction .

" Nun she was just trippin cause she saw me messaging you and got jealous "

" Oh really ? So why the fuck am I hearing that I was supposedly tryna fuck on you in our messages when you was barely getting a response " Either he was lying or all this shit was on Jess which I find easy to believe .

" Fuck on me ? I ain't neva said that . Who said that ? " He said looking extremely confused .

I glanced back at Kaine & Malik who pretended to be busy like they ain't want no parts of this .

" So you ain't say shit about me trying to fuck you or us sexting or any bullshit like that ? " I said clarifying .

" Naah shorty , I ain't even tell Jess we was even talking , she read the messages so she know what we was talking about " He explained .

" Yeah ight " I said looking him up and down before exiting the shop .

So this shit was all on Jess . She wanted nothing but trouble with someone who didn't want trouble at all . I done allowed this bitch to speak to me & treat me any type of way over some lies she was creating in her fucking head .

It's over for this bitch .

As I got in my car I pulled out my phone to text Liza .

Can we all meet ? - Karina

Who's all ? - Liza

All of us . Me , you , Camilla , & Jess - Karina

I was left on delivered for a few minutes . I figured she asked them first . My beef wasn't even with the other 2 girls fr . Camilla fake ass can suck my dick but the reason I wanted them all there is so that they can all see that I'm nice to a point . Ill tolerate shit up to a point . But at the end of that day , I wasn't the bitch to fuck with when I reached my limit . East & his boys already seen it so now they know better . Now I just needed the girls to see so I could go back to being the shy lowkey girl nobody fucked with . & if it didn't show them , then there is no going back to that shy girl .

Yeah meet us at the Starbucks we always go to in like 5 minutes - Liza

Okay - Karina

Perfect . I sped to the Starbucks we always went to wanting to be the first to get there . I picked a booth next to the window & thought about how this was gonna go down .

My thoughts were interrupted as Liza slid into the booth next to me greeting me as Jess sat in front of me with Camilla next to her . I knew before I go off I was gonna this bitch a chance .

" Well talk " Jess spat rudely .

" Okay well first I spoke to East earlier " I started making Jess stiffen up " He made it clear that he never told you or anyone else that we were sexting or that I was trying to be sexual with him " That definitely caught Camilla & Liza's attention as they leaned in .

" I fucking knew it . I knew that didn't sound like you " Liza admitted as Camilla stayed silent .

" He also said that you read the messages Jess , so you know exactly what was said in the messages "

" Woooooow " Liza said shaking her head .

" Are y'all really gonna believe this manipulative ass bitch ? East is just tryna cover for you . You know you're a fucking home wrecker . Trying to put on this innocent act when you really a - " I cut her off by grabbing a handful of her hair & snatching her towards me making half her body lay on the table .

" Karina ! " Camilla shouted reaching towards my hands that had a tight grip on her .

" Girl don't even " Liza said bumped her out the way turning her attention back on us .

" Let go of me bitch " Jess yelled trying to swing on me . The angle I had her in , her hands couldn't even reach me .

But I jerked her close to me still allowing her to hit my arms . " Listen to me bitch . You ever put your fucking hands on me I will beat the living shit out of you . You not finna talk to me no type of way or touch me ever again . Do you fucking understand ? "

" Hey hey hey " A manager said approaching us .

" Do you understand me bitch !? " I exclaimed jerking her head in my hands .

" Yes " She said desperately & I shoved her ass back so she sat back in her seat .

I grabbed all my shit off the table & climbed out of the booth . " Grab me and talk to me like you crazy and that's you next " I got in Camilla's face & pointed to Jess fixing her hair " Act up and you can get snatched up too bitch " I finished shoulder bumping her then walking out .

I answered my mom's incoming FaceTime call .

" Hi mommy " I smiled at her through the camera .

" Wea yuh deh " She questioned .

" I just got off I'm on my way " I answered .

" Alright see you at home " She said & hung up .

My job is done . Bet nobody gonna fuck with me again .

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