Chapter 22

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I sat low in his passenger seat taking out an eighth of dope before bagging it up and setting it aside . I was so glad East had a rolling tray in his car cause it's so convenient .

After that whole altercation between us , East apologized to me the same night . I mean we live together so we were bound to say something to each other soon .

But he genuinely apologized from the bottom of his heart . He truly thought I was just doing this to fit in or for fun or just because . So he told me he understood where I was coming from and that whatever I need , he'll help out . But it kind of made sense considering that he didn't even know why me & Kade moved into his own home . And it baffled me that East really thought me & Kaine were together . I let it slide not wanting to dive into that uncomfortable conversation . I told him the truth once and that's it .

I handed him the baggie before he got out the car .

" I thought you said not to get out the car " I mimicked and made faces at him as he walked away towards the condo building .

So yeah , we were cool but there was a little tension . Like residual . I don't know how to really explain it . Me & him have just had a weird vibe since the day we met . Or maybe later on and I was just being hella shy from the start . Regardless , for the amount of time that I've known him , we've never even had a title . Not friends . Nothing . We just had a moment that led to a lot of chaos .

So I guess that may be where that underlying tension comes from . I shrugged brushing the thoughts away . Right now I guess you could say we're business partners .

We made plays for about a couple hours before we decided to get something to eat . We decided to sit in chick-fil-a since we've been out and about allll day .

Although we were business partners , I still didn't talk much . And believe it or not , he wasn't that much of a talker either so our conversation was always kept to a bare minimum . But the more time I spent with him , the more I wanted to get to know him . Usually every one I know , was quick to talk about themselves and their life but East , just like me , wasn't the type to do that . So at the very least , I was intrigued .

" You know so much about me , it's your turn to share " I blurted out before sipping my sweet tea .

He paused and glanced at me , " What's there to know ? " He shrugged . As if there was nothing about him or his life he could tell me that I didn't already know .

" You tell me " I mumbled .

" What you gon say to Kaine when he find out about you ? " He asked me instead .

" When ? " I raised my eyebrows .

" I mean I'm just saying , he gon start wondering where all ya money coming from " He said making a good point .

" When that time comes , we'll deal with it then " I said . I mean , the only thing I could really say to him is explain why . That's all there was to really say .

" Yeah but - "

" East you must want me to cause a scene up in here " Jess approached our table staring him in the eyes . I could see Camilla standing off to the side watching the transaction .

I just kept my mouth shut , I want no parts of this .

" Bro what is you talking about ? " He said sitting back slouching .

This guy was so nonchalant and calm , I don't understand how he dealt with such a loud , belligerent female this often .

" So you have no idea why I'd be upset to see you here eating with her " She said pointing at me , " Y'all on a date or something " She turned to me asking .

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