Chapter 1

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Hi all, the plot of the story was inspired by a very awesome Taekook story that I read named, 'The Babysitter' by ourwinterbear all thanks to them!.

3rd person's POV

"Relatives of Camie Bakugo?" The doctor asks, coming out of the operation theatre with a notepad in his hands.

Katsuki rushes toward him, hearing his wife's name, his hands jittering in nervousness.

He was at work when he got his mother's call about Camie being in labor. He rushed as fast as he could to the hospital, not bothering if he was bumping into random people or if he was jumping traffic lights.

Once he reached the respective room, all he could hear was his wife's agonizing screams.

He sat down in a chair, with his face buried in his hands while trying his best to take deep breaths and calm himself down.

Hearing his loved one scream in pain made Katsuki's stomach churn. He never wanted anyone to feel pain, especially his loved ones.

"Yes, that's us," Katsuki answers in a nervous tone.

"The baby is in great condition, congrats to you! But, I am sorry..." The doctor trails off. Katsuki senses something was wrong, and his heart starts beating frantically.

Listening to a person say that they are sorry, makes us feel satisfied, that they are feeling guilty, but hearing a doctor say it.. could be a person's worst nightmare.

It takes him a few moments, to put the pieces together. It wasn't long until he starts panicking. His parents immediately come to his aid, demanding the doctor to answer.

"Please tell me that my wife is fine! She has to be! What happened to her?" He manages to mumble between hiccups and salty tears running down his face.

Mitsuki and Masaru try to calm him down. Mitsuki urges the doctor to respond with pleading eyes.

"I am sorry, sir. She had a few complications, we tried our best, but we couldn't. She was a great fighter. I am sorry for your loss." The doctor explains, a little guiltily, and pats Katsuki's shoulder with sad eyes before disappearing back into the operation theatre.

Katsuki wanted to yell out at him, scream at everything around him, this couldn't have happened.. It's impossible. He wanted to scream the doctors were at fault.

But he can't do that, they always give their best.

Masaru excuses himself to call Camie's parents. While Mitsuki hugs Katsuki, whispering soft and comforting words to him.

Katsuki stares at the spot, where the doctor stood a few minutes ago, with a completely stoic face. It takes him some time to get it registered. He stayed mute- as if it would bring his wife back.

Just a couple of minutes later, the reality comes crashing in. Katsuki was immediately on his knees, crying his heart out.

"No.. this can't happen.. They are lying! I know it.. Please.. this isn't funny anymore.. stop joking, love.. I need you here.. please.." His sobs were breaking Mitsuki's heart, she sits next to him, with silent tears running down her cheeks, yet she could do nothing but watch him weep.

She could remember their relationship, they were so adorable together.

Katsuki and Camie were blindly in love.

A few arguments here and there, but that's it, until the previous morning. He was hoping he could apologize for how he yelled at her.

A few days ago, Katsuki found out that his wife had been cheating on him. All the connections stopped long before she got pregnant, she claims.

But that didn't make it any better, Katsuki's blood was boiling. He accused her of a lot of things, hell, he even asked if the baby was his.

Camie immediately broke into tears at that, claiming Katsuki was stupid to think like that.

She explained that she had a few needs that Katsuki couldn't fulfill. With that Katsuki stormed out of the room. They haven't spoken since.

Camie did love Katsuki, but due to his busy work schedule he had to leave his wife to herself on most days and she took advantage of it.

The next morning, Katsuki left before she woke up, he ignored all her calls and messages throughout the day. His wife's cheating and the company's pressure were seriously getting to him.

He would remember sweet and intimate moments they shared in the past and it just made his day move agonizingly slow.

He also remembered Camie saying that she loved him, always. She accepted that it was her mistake and that she never wanted it to happen. It happened once by mistake and just.. kept going on like an addiction.

Though Katsuki was upset and disappointed, he never hated Camie, she was his entire life. They were there for each other, no matter what.

Katsuki was quite busy before Camie's pregnancy since that was the time he inherited the company, from his parents. But ever since he found out about her pregnancy, he tried as much as he could to spend time with Camie and the baby.

He knew those hurtful words meant nothing, he knew he couldn't live without her. The same goes with Camie, she did fool around with people, while being married to Katsuki, but she realized her mistake and apologized, it can't be a problem, right?

They could've still led a happy life.

"Come on, honey. Let's go and see your son. You might feel a little better then. Come on." Mitsuki insists in a calming tone, slowly guiding Katsuki to the room where his son is kept.

Katsuki had always wanted a kid afterall. She thought he would be happy seeing his son.

Of course, his wife's death would be depressing and there is nothing she can do about it, but maybe his son's smile could make it a little bearable?

Katsuki strolls through the barren corridors, with his mother who was often giving him a comforting squeeze on the shoulders. But he couldn't feel anything. Nothing at all.

Entering the room, Mitsuki starts speaking with some nurses, Katsuki doesn't catch a single word though.

All his thoughts were on his dead wife. Dead wife. That's new, isn't it?

Every time Katsuki thought about it, all of their sweet moments invades his mind. Fogging them up with nothing but her, Katsuki couldn't feel anything but grieve.

Mitsuki soon returns with a cute, blonde baby in her hand. Katsuki only gets a glimpse of his son before forcing himself to look away.

"Katsuki.. come on, look at him."

He forces himself to not see his kid, by looking at the other cribs, that were laid in the room or just staring at his shoes. He could hear the other nurses talk about his wife's death and about how they pity him.

After a few painful moments of avoiding something that was right in front of him, he turns around, with a lot of hesitancy in his movements. Katsuki finally looks at him.

Seeing him only bought Katsuki's thoughts back to Camie with how similar he looked to her. Mitsuki gave him a sign of asking if he wanted to hold the baby.

Not being about to take it anymore, Katsuki rushes out of the room, at a fast pace.

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