Chapter 30

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Izuku's POV

The moment we came back home, Katsuki went back to his laptop on the kitchen counter. While I went and boiled milk for Ikio since he was on the verge of crying due to hunger.

I noticed Katsuki giving a slight glare to Ikio who was placed in his crib in the living room. I clearly didn't understand what he wanted, maybe he wanted to hold him?

I picked up Ikio and started feeding him milk. I felt eyes on my back, when I turned around I saw Katsuki looking at us with soft eyes. It showed love and nothing else.

"Do you wanna hold him?" I genuinely wanted to know. "Ummm, I don't think am comfortable with that yet. I will be fine watching from here."

"Oh. Well, why don't you sit with us here on the couch?" He seemed a little hesitant at first but complied. He closed his laptop and came up and sat next to me.

I saw Katsuki the whole time, he was watching Ikio intently. Ikio was looking back at his father. Like father, like son. I slightly giggled to myself.

"What is it?" Oops, he noticed me. "Oh! Nothing, you seem curious about Ikio and he seeks to feel the same! I was just thinking of how similar you guys were."

He simply nodded, I pouted at the lack of response. I knew he was very much engrossed in Ikio, but what about me? Am I not worth the attention?

Katsuki must have noticed my pout because he asked, "What? Are you upset because I didn't answer you properly?" I gasped and turned around.

"Katsuki! We knew each other just got a couple of months but now we are telepathic? That's so cool! You just read my mind! How is that even-"

I was cut off by him kissing me. He had latched our lips together in an attempt to stop me from speaking, but he didn't seem to stop anytime soon.

I quickly pulled away. "Katsuki! Ikio is in my lap, he is drinking his milk! Stop please! Maybe.......Later?" He didn't want to take no as an answer, well that's Katsuki Bakugo for you!

I was very much surprised, up till now I was the one who was initiating intimate stuff like this. Where did the sudden burst of courage come from?

Not gonna lie, but I already love his dominating side, I knew he was dominating and might most probably dominate me too.

But up till now, he was a little hesitant and shy, so I thought I could dominate him. Guess not. I think I would love to be a submissive bottom too.

I was caught off guard when I felt his tongue slide against my lower lip, I whimpered at this action. I hesitantly opened my lips, knowing he wouldn't let go until I did so.

I can't believe we were having a heated make-out session with a month-old baby in our hands. I broke the kiss because Ikio seemed to have finished his bottle.

"Oi! Don't break it like that!" I didn't expect him to say that, it was too blunt! "Calm down Katsuki, Ikio finished his milk." I swear I heard him mutter 'cockblock'.

I started swaying Ikio in an attempt to make him sleep. I noticed that Katsuki was watching me. The moment I put him in his crib in his room, I was pulled by Katsuki.

"I have a question, Deku." Wow! I never heard him call me that before and let me be honest it was so hot, the way it slipped through his tongue! I was too caught up with my thoughts.

Nevertheless, I nod my head. "So, what are we?" That kinda confused me. "What do you mean what are we? We are humans, you know. Could you possibly convey your question in a better way?"

"I mean, what is our relationship? Like we kiss at times, at times we have a heated make-out session, so what should we call us?"

"I don't know Katsuki. I like you. I like everything about you. Your overprotectiveness, the way you're possessive towards the ones you love. The way you act is all bossy and tough, though you would sulk around if you don't get enough attention from the people you love. The way you try to hide protectively. At times you're cute without you even knowing. I am afraid lost in the intense gaze of your eyes. The way you have a permanent scowl on your face even though you would blush from a small compliment. Like I just said I just like everything about you. I like you." I kept emphasizing that I liked him.

"Woah! That's a lot to take in. I think I like you too. I like the way you care about everyone even though they might have hurt you intentionally or unintentionally. I like the way you act all cute and innocent but would turn deathly if someone hurts your feelings or your loved ones. I like the way you try to act dominating even though you are just a piece of cinnamon roll on the inside. So I think I like everything about you too! I like you. You make me happy!"

"Awww, thanks Katsuki. But I did dominate my boyfriend before."

"You are speaking to a different person, remember?" I accept it, I kinda blushed at that.

"So, Izuku Midoriya, will you do the honor of becoming my date? I want to try this with you, we could stop if any of us are feeling uncomfortable."

"Of course, I will! Yayyyyy!"

"But, I think I should tell you this, I am still not over Camie. A lot happened to me. It would be great if you would help me through this.

I still want to become a proper father. I want to love Ikio. And I think you are the only person who can help me, so will you?"

"Of course, I will. That's what I am here for."

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