Chapter 44

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Warning: Mature themes. Mentions of sexual harassment. If uncomfortable, please skip the chapter.

3rd person's POV

Izuku felt helpless as his boyfriend was on the ground whimpering while Dabi had stripped him naked. Burn marks littered his torso.

Izuku desperately wanted to reach out to his boyfriend. But he wasn't able to move a single finger, which was quite disheartening and frustrating.

"Well well well, who do we have here, aren't you that Deku's boyfriend, huh? We are gonna have so much fun tonight, baby boy. Much better than he could ever do.

Be a little cock slut and take what you are given." Izuku quickly shut his eyes tight, not wanting to see all the harassment his boyfriend went through.

All he was able to do was hear his boyfriend's pleading cries and whimpering. He kept screaming asking Dabi to stop yet, he didn't. Izuku never dared to open his eyes.

After what felt like years, Izuku heard the slowing down of skin slaps which gradually came to a stop. Izuku's boyfriend's cries slowed down to a whimper.

He opened his eyes and to his horror, he saw his petite boyfriend, with fresh scratches all over, a few too deep that it was bleeding. His ass was wrecked that it also had blood running because of Dabi's roughness.

Izuku tried using all his strength to move and comfort his boyfriend who was in pain. But none of the tries had a small result in the least.

"IZUKU!?!? WAKE UP!?!?" Izuku woke up straight with tears running down his face, he looked beside him to find a blurry image of Katsuki.

"Kacchan...." Katsuki was quick to pull Izuku into his embrace who kept crying wetting his boyfriend's nightdress, though no one cared at the moment.

"Shh, it's oan kay baby. I am here. It's okay....." Soon Izuku's cries calmed down as he passed out due to exhaustion from his cries and their previous night's activities.

Katsuki needed to ask Izuku about what happened in the morning.

Time skip~

It was already morning when Izuku woke up in a comforting warm embrace. The sun was slightly peeking through the window as Izuku turned around to check the time.

8:15 a.m

That was earlier than he expected. 

"Deku? Are you awake?" Izuku was startled by the sudden raspy voice of the elder.

" Umm...morning Kacchan" his voice was broken and dull, it was evident that he had cried.

All the screams of his ex-boyfriend filled his ears, Izuku tried blocking them out by holding his hands right around his ears as he whimpered.

Katsuki shifted around until he found a perfect and comfortable spot with Izuku on his chest whose hands were released by Katsuki. "Do you wanna tell me what happened yesterday?"

Izuku slightly nodded, speaking to someone who ad always cleared his thoughts, now that Katsuki himself wants to listen, why not speak up?

"I had a nightmare. I was in someplace I don't even recognize, my ex-boyfriend was lying all tied up. Dabi was next to him with a sinister smile.

He had many burn marks which were probably given by Dabi while torturing him. I couldn't move at all. I had to witness everything like some statue.

When I saw that Dabi was about to take him, I closed my eyes not wanting to see anything. I heard it though. When I thought everything was over, I opened my eyes.

He was there. In a pool of his blood. He was bleeding because of the deep scratch marks Dabi have him. His hole was bleeding because of the roughness.

I didn't want  to see anymore." Izu tries his best not to break down once again, yet, fortune wasn't on his side. Katsuki was more than happy to help him.

"Why me, Kacchan? Yesterday I thought I would forget everything because of how beautifully you took care of me, our date was awesome, yet, a stupid nightmare had to come!"

"It's okay Deku. I am here with you, just like how you were when I needed you. Never hesitate to ask me anything okay. I love you, bun"

Izuku gave a weak smile in between his tears, "I love you too, Kacchan......I want to meet Dabi." Katsuki was surprised he thought Izuku would dodge everything about Dabi, but he wanted to meet him...?

Why? That might end terribly...

"What do you mean, baby? Why do you wanna meet the bastard that ruined both our lives? Oh! And include Shoto and his family."

"I want closure, Kacchan. I want to end this all. All of us are angry with him. I want to finish everything so that I could happily be with you.

Once we know the reason, maybe I will be able to let go. Once and for all. I know you are still angry with him for what he did with Camie.

But if we know everything, then we could just leave all that in our past and continue with our life. I wanna know everything. Even if it means I have to meet him."

Looking at Izuku's face, it was for sure that he wouldn't let this go without meeting Dabi. Katsuki was fine with it. He is just worried about Izuku.

What if it triggers a panic attack or something. Hopefully, nothing like that happens. Katsuki accepted at last. Izuku was right.

"Okay baby, we could meet him later today."

Izuku was happy having a comforting and understanding boyfriend. He didn't think Katsuki would give in so easily that ejected an unnecessary fight.

But Katsuki was much better than Izuku could ever imagine. Izuku thought he might have to fight his way through, thank goodness it wasn't the case.

The fight was the last thing anybody would want.

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