Chapter 12

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Izuku's POV

I woke up earlier than usual since I had to get ready for both Mitsuki and the Bakusquad's arrival.

I was also thinking about giving a surprise visit to Eri today since it's been weeks since our last meet-up.

Ikio did wake up, but a little late, which made me worry about Katsuki's reaction. I heard Mitsuki at the door. I quickly rushed down to the door, carrying Ikio and all the necessary items.

"Ah! There you are Izuku! How are you? Aww, my baby looks so cute!" I rushed everything because Katsuki sir might wake up.

"Hi, Mitsuki. I am good, how are you? Besides, Katsuki might wake up anytime now.... "

"Still no luck?" She asked with a disappointed look. I didn't wanna disappoint her...... "Yes. Am sorry about that. Am trying." I said sadly.

She quickly shook her head no and said, "I am glad you are trying in the first place, Izuku. Thank you. It wasn't your problem, Yet you want to help us, it's a lot."

Another brunette, middle-aged man walked up to her. I don't know him, but I have seen him in a couple of pictures of the mansion.

"Hi, Izuku. My name is Masaru Bakugo. Call me Masaru." He said with a gentle smile. Aww, this family is awesome! I gave him a slight nod with a smile and greeted him too.

I heard Katsuki coming down the stairs. Masaru quickly took the sleeping Ikio from my hands and went back to the car. Just as Mitsuki said she was leaving, Katsuki cut her.

"Who is it, Izuku? It's so damn early!" I turn around, furthering that Mitsuki was still there, I replied, "Your parents are here, sir."  He gave out a loud sigh.

Unfortunately, he did notice the baby stuff in Mitsuki's hands, which made him put on a scowl. No matter what, he still looks handsome.

Shit. Don't have a crush on your boss, Izuku. You are supposed to be angry with him, instead, your gay ass is simply.

But- his bed hair is so hot on him!

"I'll see you during breakfast." With that, he disappeared back to the stairways. "How rude of my son! I can't believe this! Anyway, Izuku, have fun! Call me if you need any help!"

"Thanks a lot, Mitsuki. Have fun with Ikio! And thank you for taking him. I am planning on visiting some friends today."

"It's no problem, honey!"

She said quickly as she didn't want to leave Ikio with Masaru. She rushed back to their car and then they drove off.

I then went back into the kitchen for breakfast. I wasn't in a mood today, so I decided on simple pancakes.

It wasn't long until Katsuki came back after his shower. He sat at the dining table, patiently waiting for my breakfast. I could feel his intense eyes on me the whole time.

"If you want to talk, please do, sir. It's rude to stare if you didn't know." He groaned. But it sounded more like a whine. "Ugh! Please Izuku! Stop calling me sir."

I smirked and answered, "If you say so" I took the plates and sat opposite him.

"Okay, listen, I am very sorry about what happened the other day. I was stressed and I lashed it out at you. Which I shouldn't have. That day was my wife's birthday... I was just so damn emotional... Please don't be angry with me."

I didn't realize that he was sad that day, now that I think about it, he was awfully quiet the whole time! Why didn't I realize this then?

And here I am saying that I understand his feelings when I clearly didn't understand his. That was so bad of me! I should have realized! Why didn't I?

I could see the tears in the brim of his eyes. I quickly rushed up to him and hugged him tightly. He started sobbing into my shoulder, not that I minded.

"Aww, Katsuki.. am so sorry about it. I just didn't like the way you out lashed. I was not angry, just upset. I am sorry that I didn't let you explain yesterday. I was stressed yesterday, the day wasn't that great... "

I stopped myself by talking about Ikio. It might just make this even worse. He kept crying for a long time. Eventually, his cries turned into pitiful sobs and hiccups.

He had held these many emotions within himself all these days, I don't think he ever cried or let his emotions out freely, which worried me about how he didn't break at all.

Me ignoring him would have only frustrated him even more, I hate that. I shouldn't have ignored him, but if I didn't, then I would have snapped.

I was the only one he was comfortable with sharing his emotions or anything. True, we weren't that close, but talking to someone we don't know is far better than talking to someone we know.

If we knew the person we are ranting to, we will be scared that they would judge us. But a stranger wouldn't. Even if they did, we wouldn't care.

But if someone we loved, judges us, we tend to get insecure. I learned it the hard way.

"It's okay Katsuki, you don't have to keep your emotions bottled up within yourself. Am here to help you and give you company. Trust me enough to tell me this stuff. "

"Your right. I will come to you the next time. You were my only source of happiness and I missed it. Am sorry, please forgive me. "

"Oh Katsuki, it's fine. It wasn't your mistake. Just try to control your anger. Now come on, you don't wanna look like that during your friend's visit, right?"

"Look like what?" He questioned.

"Tear stained, snot all over, red nose, flushed cheeks. Shall I stop or do you want me to continue?"

"Oh please! No matter what I am handsome."

Not gonna lie, that's true. I smiled at him and he left to go and freshen up. I started washing the dishes meanwhile.

Katsuki is a good soul. Honestly is. But he just doesn't know how to express it.

As I was doing my work, I heard my phone ring. At the same time, Katsuki came back into the kitchen. I won't able to attend the phone since my hands were wet. How unfortunate.

Katsuki came to the rescue. He took the phone and readout, "The caller Id says 'Shoto', do you want me to pick up the call?" I felt the anger boiling inside me.

I replied with a curt 'no', I could feel that he was suspicious, though he did what I told him. Before I could say anything, my phone rang again.

"It says 'Ochako' do you want me to pick it up?" I sighed. "No please, could you put it on silent by the way?" I asked washing away the soap in my hands and drying them.

I think my anger was showing out.

I thanked him and we went back into the living room. I knew that he wanted to ask something, but he was hesitating and I want in the mood to talk about that.

The doorbell rang, causing both me and Katsuki to stand up. I chuckled and told him politely that I would answer the door. I went to the door and opened it.

To be tackled down with a hug from a certain redhead.

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