Chapter 15

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3rd person's POV

The Bakusquad left after having a hearty meal made by Bakugo and Midoriya. And of course, they kept reminding him that they would help Izuku if something is wrong.

Right now, Izuku and Katsuki are cleaning up the mess they created with their guests. It was an awkward silence and Izuku didn't want to break it.

"Why didn't you tell me, Izuku?" Izuku nearly dropped the glass he was holding due to the sudden voice. "Don't scare me Katsuki!

And about that, the wound is still fresh and it might trigger a panic attack so I decided against it....."

Katsuki snapped his head so quickly that Izuku got worried he might break his neck. "You get panic attacks?!?" Izuku slowly nodded and answered, "I have depression and anxiety."

Katsuki couldn't believe his ears. Does the funny, sunshine, kind, and sweet cinnamon roll suffer from depression and anxiety? It wasn't a nice thing to know.

"I am sorry about how I accused you the other day, Izuku. You were right, I knew nothing about you. I didn't know you are going through the same thing I am."

Katsuki frowned as he kept looking at the ground, guilt eating him up. Izuku looked over at Katsuki and softly smiled and then said,

"It's okay, Katsuki. I moved on, it's my past now, and you should too. Ikio needs a father, he lost his mother already. " Izuku blurted out before he could even notice.

He just prayed that Katsuki wouldn't start another fight with him. He knew that it was his mistake that his ass just said something he might regret later, but he hoped that Katsuki didn't hear him.

"Ya, your right, but I just can't. Am trying. I don't think I would ever stop hating that brat." Izuku felt bad for the elder. He wanted to do everything he can.

But he isn't being able to do so.

Izuku dropped all the things he was holding and ran into Katsuki's arms. Katsuki immediately hugged back. Izuku felt wetness on his shoulder, and he concluded that Katsuki was crying.

"I hate my life! I have been a very person. I fought with Camie the day before her death. I found out she was cheating on me, but I just can't stop loving her."

Katsuki knew what his wife did was wrong and it isn't something that can be easily forgiven, but he loves her too much to let go. Came had a special place in Katsuki's heart.

Izuku was shocked after hearing this newfound information. He now knew why Katsuki felt even more hurt and why he hates Ikio, he is guilty he fought with her that day!

That could be quite disheartening. Izuku knew it way too properly. Izuku started thinking about what would make Katsuki happy. He thought Katsuki likes children, but for now, he hates Ikio.

Izuku came up with THE best idea. Katsuki became silent and broke their hug. "By the way, I liked your dominant side, you were hot." Izuku blushed hard.

Katsuki knew the effect he had on Izuku and wanted to play around. Being with Izuku made him feel himself. He could publicly flirt and tease him now.

Since he was married, everything he did was questioned. He wasn't allowed to talk to another girl, wasn't allowed to have a remake Secretary.

Of course, Camie didn't mind, she knew how much she meant to Katsuki. But the society was what Katsuki was worried about. His reputation was something he would never give up on.

"Oi! Don't say it all of the sudden like that!" Katsuki chuckled and went upstairs for the night, without forgetting to say Izuku a good night.

Izuku too went to bed. He was excited about the plan he had planned in his head. It should be perfect! He just wished Katsuki would like it.

Next morning~

Izuku had woken up earlier than Katsuki, which was kinda unexpected. Izuku did his daily job, he finished making breakfast, but Katsuki still hasn't woken up.

That kinda worried Izuku, but he just concluded that Katsuki was super tired.

He decided to go and wake him up. Izuku made his way to his bedroom and opened the door to find a rather peaceful Katsuki, snuggled up to the blankets.

He looked so cute with his cheeks squished against his pillow. Izuku figured that his long working hours must be the reason for Katsuki's tiredness.

His arms were comfortably placed around the sheets, exposing his biceps, making Izuku blush hard at the sight. It was something he would never get tired of.

Izuku went up to Katsuki and pushed him harshly and started chanting, "Katsuki wake up~ Katsuki wake up~ Katsuki wake up~" it wasn't long until an annoyed groan was heard.

"Let me sleep, Izuku!" Katsuki mumbled and groaned. "Oh! Come on, it's late besides I want to take you somewhere" it turned out romantically. Izuku started blushing, but Katsuki didn't real realize.

"Can't it wait?" He asked, obviously sleep-deprived. "Nope! It's 11 in the morning!" This woke up Katsuki, only for him to mess with Izuku.

"What?!? It's that late?!? My sleep schedule it's messed up!?!" Katsuki dramatically said, before facepalming and then trying to go back to sleep.

Izuku chuckled at his antics and made his way downstairs, pulling a sleepy Katsuki. They had a peaceful breakfast and Izuku got Katsuki ready in casual clothes.

Katsuki was annoyed because he was woken up. He likes waking up when his body feels like it, his parents did scold him, but he didn't care.

Now that Izuku woke him up, he has no choice but listen to him with a sleepy nod at every sentence.

Katsuki was unwillingly pulled out of the home. He handed the car keys to Izuku since he figured he could sleep during the car drive.

Even though Katsuki wasn't driving, he was wide awake because of Izuku's constant rambling. He knew he can't sleep anymore, so he started to listen to Izuku. I

Izuku was rambling about the one time when his friends and he had sneaked into the teacher's lounge as a date but then ended up in detention.

It took a solid hour to reach the destination. Katsuki was worn out but Izuku was just as energetic as he always was. He pulled Katsuki to the main door and rang the bell.

The person who opened the door surprised Katsuki.

"Aizawa Sensai?!?"

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