Chapter 21

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Warning: In-depth Shoto's back story

Shoto's POV

I was sorry for the incident that happened. I was actually in a trashy bad mood and I wanted to talk to Izuku about that. He was great at understanding things. 

I knew that Izuku would forgive us at some point, he needed space and I was ready to give him that. It's been years now, but I was still patient.

My friends knew that I was getting worse without him. We needed him. He is the one who held us together. He gave us the will to live.

"Umm...Izuku?" I started hesitantly. But Izuku gave me a small smile, encouraging me to continue, and relax a little.

I never knew the effect he has on us as the mother of the group. Always caring and understanding. Just what we wanted. A family.

"Could you possibly convey my apologies to that Blonde hair with a lighting strike guy?" Bakugo laughed at that. Even though I was confused, Izuku assured me that's how Bakugo usually is.

We had a casual conversation filled with apologies from both ends. But I was desperate to tell him. "Izuku. Touya came home one day."

I said, out of the blue. I was contemplating how to tell them. I was nervous that he might just ignore it and say that it's my problem and he doesn't care.

My leg was constantly bouncing since I came here. I just hoped no one would notice. I was fiddling my fingers the whole time, but then I thought it would be better if I just tell them.

Everyone there looked shocked. Tenya and Ochako have been constantly asking me what was wrong, but I chose not to tell them.

Izuku quickly rushed to hug me, after coming in contact with his warm embrace, I broke down into nasty tears. "Oh my, Shoto. It's okay. We are here for you."

I could feel Bakugo's confusion, I wanted to tell him, but I just couldn't. Nevertheless, he quickly ran and brought me a glass of water and sat next to me.

Tenya and Ochako were wet on my other side, while Izuku was kneeling. "Y-You must b-be con-confused Bakugo." I tried saying despite my crying, but it was still filled with stutters.

"It's okay Todoroki. Take your time, if you can't I could ask Izuku later." He was just so kind, he looked a little stern on the outside. Harsh on the outside, but the softest on the inside.

His smile and Izuku's embrace have me reassurance. "That's okay, Touya is my oldest brother, he ran away when I was too young to comprehend what it even meant.

Dad was abusive, I suppose Izuku told you the basics." Bakugo gave me a sad nod. "Well, yeah, there are a few more things you most likely wouldn't have known.

My mother was put in a mental hospital. When I was young, she put boiling water on my left side of the face because she said it reminded her of my dad."

I heard Bakugo gasp, as I break my hug with Izuku, he looked at me with sad eyes. He must have expected my scar to be a birthmark.

"So, yeah, my elder brother always protected me until he had enough.

Ever since I am my father's punch bag, I was 5. Two weeks ago, I found a strange person on my house's porch. I decided to speak to him, that's when I knew.

My sister and another brother easily recognized him even though he looked completely different from what I remember. He said he didn't want to meet any of us, but was forced to because of his boyfriend.

That hurt. I never visited my mother, the last time I saw her was when I was 5, and of course, I and my father don't have any sort of a healthy relationship.

My father always kept me away from my siblings during my childhood so I don't know much about them either. I-" I was surprised when I felt Bakugo hug me.

"Please don't continue. I think I have a gist of what you went through and if I heard more, I would most likely cry." Even though he says it as a joke, I felt happy. Safe.

The Dekusquad was always my safe place. If I wanted something or if I am troubled, they would always lend me a shoulder to cry on.

When we all broke ties with Izuku. Which was our mistake, by the way. I realized how much I was dependent on others.

I loved all of them. The Dekusquad were like a family. Took care of me, showed me what is love.

I had someone who loves me unconditionally just like how I do. But because of what we did. Everything came crashing down. Making it harder for me to breathe and look for the light of life.

They are all I have and all I want. I would never trade them for anything in this world. I will be careful from now on.

I am not going to lose anything more.

We spent a lot of fun time, and I loved spending time with the entire squad, Bakugo just left for some important call, and Izuku quickly turned to me.

"You three are lucky. He isn't always this happy and cheerful. He shows his real self only to the ones who he accepts as a family and needed to protect.

He hates everyone else. I was quite surprised that he was normal with you three. He is still hurting so don't take it for granted." All three of us have him a nod with full sincerity.

Time skip~

3rd person's POV

Time passes quickly when you're having fun. It was soon time to go home and Shoto looked as pale as a corpse. It was evident he didn't want to go.

"Sho, please don't think about it. You're a great person, don't let actions like these change you or worse make you feel vulnerable. They are not worth it." With these positive talks, everyone went home.

"I like your friends, Izuku" Katsuki said as they went back into the house after the Dekusquad left. Izuku just returned a sheepish smile.

"So do I. I love them, Katsuki."

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