Chapter 37

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Izuku's POV

I woke up with the irritating sound of my ringtone blaring. It was quite early in the morning and was a weekday too. So who the fuck called up this early. 

Izuku: Hello? Who is this? This better is important. I am sleepy.
Inko: Izuku? This is your mother? Do you not have my number saved on your phone, dear?

I mentally told myself to always check the caller id, before picking the call, this is the second time when I have been embarrassed like this.

Izuku: Hey mom! Sorry, I just woke up and didn't check the caller id.
Inko: It's okay, honey. How are you? I haven't heard from you for a while. Why don't you visit today! Mirio said he would join him for dinner with Amajiki.

That's my typical mother. She always asks a question but continues speaking even before giving me a chance to respond. But I still love the idea.

Izuku: Sure mom! Do you mind if I bring my boss and his son?
Inko: Oh! Of course, I wouldn't, but they wouldn't mind if you ask them right?

I assured her that they wouldn't mind and that I would meet her today. I still don't know how to ask this to Kacchan. He is at work now, though he sir would be back by lunch since he isn't that busy today.

After I cut the call, I realized the notifications on my phone and then decided to check it, before going and looking at Ikio if he has woken up.

Shoto(yesterday):  Hi Izuku, today the case filed against Touya was solved, he was arrested for sexual harassment, drug dealing, and attempted murder, I wanted to talk to you about a few stuff, maybe with Bakugo and your parents?

Izuku: Oh! At last, he deserves it! And of course Shoto, my mother had called me for dinner today and I am planning on asking Katsuki if we could hang out like the good old times, let me know if Ochako and Tenya are joining too.

I know that I shouldn't have accepted those three, but I wouldn't blame them like I was the badass in school and a very famous known fuckboy.

So I wouldn't say I was surprised when they said that, like the whole school used to say. But I was upset that even my best friends couldn't understand the difference.

I made my way to pick Ikio up and to my surprise that angel had already woken up! "Hello, my angel. How are you doing today? Such a sweet person you are, even though you woke up you decided not to disturb me, huh?"

I love talking to Ikio, even though he doesn't understand, his expressions are priceless. I want to be with this angel forever and ever!

I quickly texted mom telling her that the Dekusquad might turn up to dinner and she seemed to be happy that we are friends again. She always wanted me to accept their apology.

I went down for breakfast, I honestly felt so dirty that I have to take a bath after breakfast and Ikio's milk. I put Ikio to a nap before taking a shower.

My shower is usually only a few minutes since I can't risk waking up Ikio. I skipped my bath yesterday because I was lazy and I didn't feel like bathing.

Besides, I bathed Ikio yesterday!

After my daily chores and putting Ikio to a noon nap while I took a shower, I was waiting for Katsuki, he said he would be early, but he is already an hour late.

"Hey babe, I am home, sorry that I am late, these shitty extras won't let go out of me demanding they wanted lunch!" I reached the front door to find the Bakusquad.

Then I saw Kacchan come downstairs, "Umm, Kacchan, I wanted to ask you something....." He turned around and looked at me before coming towards me and tucking some of my hair behind my ear.

"Sure hun, what is it?" I decided to ignore the squeals behind me, "Mum called me today, she wanted to know if we could join us for dinner, Mirio Senpai will be there, including the Dekusquad I suppose."

His face paled, "Nope, I am not ready to meet your parents! Maybe another day please?" His friends started to try and convince him.

"Bakubro! Stop being a pussy!"

"Come on dude! It won't be that bad!"

"He's been asking you for so long! Just meet them already!"

"Bro! It's Izuku's parents, remember? They would be just as polite and kind as him! Go and meet them, come on!"

"Wait guys, why not you all come?" That's a good idea, isn't it?

They all were happy they could get dinner for free while Kacchan was scolding them for disrespecting me and my mother.

Typical them.

I then again had to message my mom about the adding of guests, she was very happy to have more guests, and she replied 'the more the merrier!'

"Guys, umm, just for the record, our house is only that big, so...." I then felt someone pat my shoulder, it was Kaminari, "Don't worry! We don't mind!"

I love having friends like them!

I am sure that they are just happy about getting dinner, seeing that I knew they all were the hungriest people I have ever seen!

They tend to look so fit and thin, but they eat loads! I don't even know how they maintain their body weight and size. Seems like they have a very good metabolism.

The moment I have a small potato chip, my stomach bloats into a very bad shape, making me pull it in and hold my breath until anyone passes by me.

"Bro! Let us borrow some of your clothes and accessories!"  Kacchan turned around to Kiri lighting soured I thought his neck might break off.

"Hell no, dumbass."

So then we started getting ready for dinner.

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