Chapter 23

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Izuku's POV

I woke up in a panic when I heard loud wailing. I could hardly open my eyes, they were still droopy, even though I just had a long, peaceful sleep.

I had a feeling I was burning up. But I had to make sure after I calm Ikio down. It's going to be a problem since I have to do it without touching him.

I forcefully drag my feet to Ikio's room. The poor baby was crying louder than ever, he felt scared that no one was there when he woke up. I crept up to his crib and started speaking 'baby'.

The least skinship I could provide Ikio was my finger. I couldn't hold him either, it took me solid half an hour to calm his crying. It gradually slowed down to sniffles.

I did what first came up to my head. I called Katsuki. I can't ask him to help me with Ikio though.

Katsuki: 'Izuku! Why are you calling at this time? It's something wrong? Are you okay?' Izuku slightly chuckled hearing his worried tone.
Izuku: "I am having a fever, Katsuki. Do you mind if I call Kirishima or someone to help me with the day?" Katsuki has out a worrying noise.

Katsuki: 'Sure, I guess. I am sorry, but I have important-' I cut him off knowing he is probably feeling bad he couldn't protect me.
Izuku: "It's okay, Katsuki! Thank you for your time, bye!" I cut the call before he could even say anything.

I quickly got downstairs, leaving Ikio to himself, because he was trying to hold the bars of his crib using his hands. I tried to make the milk for him as soon as possible.

I was so glad that Ikio was the kind of person, who tends to forget the world when he finds something new and interesting. It helps me a lot to take care of him.

I can't have Ikio crying on me, now. I made my way towards his room to see him looking at the ceiling with his doe eyes. Thank god he isn't crying. I then called Kirishima.

Izuku: "Hi Kirishima! Are you free?'
Kirishima: 'Umm..Ye, s of course, Izuku! Is something wrong? Your voice sounds weak... ' I knew he could find out, but I didn't expect out to be this easy.

Izuku: "Yaa, about that, I have a fever and there is no one to help me with Ikio...." I said with a sad chuckle.
Kirishima: 'Oh my god! That can't be good, me and Denki will be there as soon as possible to help you!' He cut the call before I could even thank him.

I smiled at his words and stayed in Ikio's room, at a decent distance though. I can't have him catch my fever, besides he is too weak since he is barely a w month

His immunity would be too less, besides Ikio is still fragile. I can't risk anything now. I am glad that Kirishima and Kaminari were also joining us.

I heard the bell downstairs and made my way down to open the door. I had a simple yet powerful soup in the morning, I hope it lessened my fever, so I had some energy.

"Oh my god, Izuku! You look so pale! This can't be good, should we go to the hospital?! Come on!?!" I chuckled at his exaggeration.

"I am fine, Kaminari. It's just a normal fever. Please don't worry"

"If something happened to you, Bakugo will kill us."

I chuckled at their antics and also gave a thought about what Katsuki would do

I lead them back to Ikio's room. Kaminari was over-excited when he saw Ikio. Ikio also seemed comfortable with them. So I don't think I have to worry.

Even though I had called them for help so that I could rest. I had to be with them the whole time. They were not used to taking care of a child.

"Why is babysitting this tough?" Kaminari whined, I kinda felt bad for them, but before I could speak, he continued, "But, honestly his smile it's the greatest reward! Right, baby? I would do anything to see that!"

I giggled slightly. The day was  I felt like Denki was a literal baby too! He was so childish! Kirishima seemed to have fun watching two babies.

"How do I wear this diaper? Is it like this or like this?" I quickly snapped up my head from Kirishima who was boiling Ikio's milk, and I was instructing him how.

"Nuh-uh, I will do that, you have to take safety measures and all so so that he doesn't develop a rash."

I powdered him up and put him in his diaper. Kaminari and Kirishima were so kind that they even helped me make dinner and lunch!

"I am uys! I didn't want to disturb you. You two were my best choice! I am sorry! I didn't want to ruin your off day!"

"It's ready okay Izuku! Me and Denki babe love kids! It's totally fine! Don't worry! Hoping to see you soon, bye!"

I smiled and went back to eat my dinner and write a letter to Katsuki like yesterday, before going back to my room so I could sleep. Ikio was already put to sleep by Kaminari and Kirishima.

They are so sweet and cute!

Katsuki's POV

I returned home from a frustrating day. Ever since the new project started yesterday, I might be coming back home a little late. Besides, I was still worried about Izuku.

I came back home to be greeted by silence. I went back to the kitchen to find a letter just like yesterday, an unconscious smile crept up to my face.

Hi Katsuki,

Hope you revere doing well today! I was we could have dinner together today, but I at cured by tomorrow, I might have to consult a doctor.

Kaminari and Kirishima helped me with everything today! They are great! You have awesome friends, Katsuki! Anyway, have dinner, made by Kirishima!

Spoiler alert: it was delicious! Good night, sweet dreams!

P.s have a good rest, we can't have you being a sloth during work tomorrow!


The heart at the bottom created butterflies in my stomach. "I am falling harder for you every day, Izuku. The effect you have on me..." I mumbled to myself.

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