Chapter 48

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1 year later

Izuku's POV

I was standing by the end of the balcony, enjoying the breeze that swept by. Today was our first anniversary. I and Kacchan have been together for a year now. Crazy, isn't it?


I turn around smiling. Today, Kacchan and Ikio went to the amusement park, for a celebration. I was really happy when we decided that Ikio would join us.

"Ikio! Don't disturb your Papa. Come on, get here! Let's get you to bed." Kacchan came in, giving Ikio a death glare. "But, dada, I want to see papa before going to bed."

Ah, this sly kid. Ever since he knew that we can't resist his pouting puppy eyes, he always does that to get off punishments. Kacchan was trying hard to not fall into the trap.

"Nope. It's late and you must be in bed now. Let's get going now. Come on." But Ikio wasn't budging, he got his stubbornness from his father.

"Fine then, I will also put you to bed," I said at last.

Which got him excited. "Yay! Come on dada! It's time for bed!" I let Ikio run to his room with his small legs. He could walk and run well, but it still looks like he is waddling because of his small legs.

"That kid. I don't even understand him."

I lightly pecked Kacchan's lips and said, "That's how kids are Kacchan." We made our way to Ikio's room, to find him already inside the covers.

We went to either side of him and say, slowly combing through his hair, we said "We love you Ikio. Now come on. Let the angels guide you to the dreamland."

He found that kind somewhere in a television program and wanted it to be the way we put him to bed. Kacchan found it childish, but then let go since he is technically a child. Especially, HIS child.

We both kissed his forehead and left back to our room. Kacchan led us to the balcony, yet again feeling the cool breeze hit us. "Deku? I wanted to ask you something."

I was distracted from Kacchan because of the scenery, but I heard him talk, so I have a simple hum and a smile to encourage him in continuing.

I saw Kacchan get down to his knees.

The first thing I remembered was this trend where someone would act like they are proposing but are trying to their shoe or something.

I always think of something like this in an important moment and I tend to laugh out loud, but now, I felt the seriousness radiating from Kacchan.

"Izuku Midoriya, I have always had an eye for you since the very first day we met. You seemed to be the perfect type. I know that we have been through hardships together, making our relationship even stronger. Every day something or the other was an obstacle, but I strongly believe that with you by my side, I can go past anything. I love you. I love you. I have been meaning to ask this for months, but my insecure ass didn't have the guts to do so.

So, Izuku Midoriya, will you marry me and make me the happiest person on earth?"

He opened a small box that had an emerald ring. I was hardly able to see anything because of the tears that were clouding my eyes.

Everything around us froze as we looked into each other's eyes.

"Y-yes! I wi-will!" He slid the ring into my finger with a teary smile on his face. He then picked me up and swirled me around making me giggle.

At this moment, all that I could register in my mind was Kacchan. We are engaged. He is my fiance. Everything around me turned blank like Kacchan was the only person on earth.

"I can't believe you, Kacchan. I didn't expect it at all! Like, we were outside the whole day and you decided to propose after coming home, after putting Ikio to bed.

That's something I would have never imagined." Kacchan smiled, kissing my hand and looking at me, "I wanted it to be only us, you know.

I didn't want anyone else to ruin our moment. And anyone also includes Ikio because he is such a cockblock, it is as if he is some kind of a sex censor!

So I decided to do it later. But anyway, the answer was what was important to me." I giggled and said, "Did you think I would say no?"

"Honestly, I had all sorts of bad results running in my mind, like you might say no or our whole experience was a dream and I might wake up to Camie.

Or maybe you were a real angel and had to return to heaven soon. Or you might have not been read-" I quickly cut off his rambling, guess I am rubbing off on him.

"Well, none of it happened. So now we are, finances!!" Kacchan laughed at how I opened my arms wide to show him my excitement.

"How could you be so cute, baby?" Even though it's been a year, I still have this blushing response whenever he says something like this.

"Stop! You're making me blush." He smiled cheekily and said, "That's the point babe. I love the effect I have on you. Every time I call you nicknames, you blush.

Every time I touch you, you get turned on. Every time I fuck you, you moan my name so loud for the whole neighborhood to hear. Every time-"

"Okay! I get it! Stop!" Kacchan smirked as we went back inside to get ready for bed. Both of us weren't in the mood for sex, so we just decided to cuddle.

"Some things never change, you know?" I said.

"Hmm, what doesn't?"

"My love for you, Kacchan." I saw him turn around with a big grin on his face.

"I was wondering." Kacchan started.

"Oh, that can't be good."

"Shut up! I was wondering if we should let Ikio call you mom after our marriage."

"Wait! What?!? Of course not!?! That would be embarrassing!"

"Yeah, sure."

"For real Kacchan, don't do anything stupid!"

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