Chapter 17

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Izuku's POV

A month flew by in a wink. I would usually stay on the weekends and watch movies with Katsuki when Ikio is at Mitsuki's. I am still trying to get Katsuki to love Ikio.

I have a feeling that he does, but maybe he thinks it might hurt his ego to suddenly start loving someone? No matter what I am breaking through it.

The monsoon started a little early this year. This is my favorite season of all time! The rain, the pitter-patter raindrops chilly weather, WATER PUDDLES!

I can never resist them, me and Mirio Senpai always get into trouble for our wet shoes because we stepped into them. I mean, they are water puddles!

I was thinking of doing something new in the house, recently. But honestly speaking I don't wanna mess anything up. So that's why, right now I am at a stationary shop buying stuff, for myself.

I thought I could draw and paint in my free time. Sure, I could do something easy like singing, but I love drawing. I have been thinking of drawing Ikio for a while now.

It is very tough though. Ikio is so perfect that it might be a real challenge. His perfect eyes, button nose, plump lips, and cute fingers. He is a masterpiece!

Ikio is in his stroller, slowly falling asleep. But the moment his eyes close, he wakes up in a sudden instant. It's so cute how he is trying to fight sleep!

I pay for the stuff and leave. I needed to make Ikio take a small bath since Mitsuki said that she wanted to do a newborn photoshoot for him.

I won't be going with them since Katsuki and I should have dinner. But I am very much excited about how it would turn out!

I wanted to take pictures of him, but I was scared of how they would react.

The moment we stepped into the house, Ikio started wailing. Like, how does he even know where we are? He is two months old!

Seems like this kid could do wonders. I picked him up slowly and started talking baby to him. Although he didn't understand, he keeps listening to me as if it was something interesting.

People say that when we talk to babies with all expressions and exaggerations, they tend to listen or at least try to do so. And that's exactly why I speak a lot with him!

I kept holding him all through the process of his milk boiling since the moment I tried to lay him down he started crying again. Not that I mind it.

He loves being held. I noticed that a lot of times, he just loves the warmth that a body radiates he tries to kinda cuddles up to it and it's cute!

I don't know if Ikio would ever get his father back. Right now, I am his everything. No one would dare lay a finger on him. I swear!

I have only known him for a month now. But if someone hurts him, I would kill everyone in the room and then myself.

The moment I took the milk bottle near him, he started drinking, he must have been hungry. My poor baby. This angel is just too pure!

I knew I had to bathe him too. Which is always a fun task because Ikio loves water. His eyes sparkle when he sees the bathtub. ever since I knew he loved the water, I started bathing him often.

Usually, babies are scared of baths since it's kinda new to them. But Ikio it's just different, he loves to bath! He even tries moving his hands in the water!

I had him play in the water for some time until it was getting late. I hardly saw the time, since I was very much invested in looking at Ikio play.

I decided to put him on a cute bunny onesie. I knew they would change clothes during the shoot, so I thought it would be better if he is having something comfortable on him.

Once I was done, I was adoring him and tried to make him smile, his onesie looked a little big on him, but it was still cute!

Half an hour before Katsuki's arrival, Mitsuki knocked on the door. I picked up a smiley Ikio and rushed to the door with all the necessities.

It's a Friday, so of course, Ikio would be staying with them through the weekend. "Hi, Mitsuki! Hope you have fun at the shoot! It's time for Katsuki to come....." I trailed off

Mitsuki quickly understood my urgency. "Ah! Izuku thanks! I will call you later and bye!" The moment she turned around, Ikio's lips started to quiver.

I understood the gesture. "Awww, I would miss you too, buddy! Don't worry I will meet you in two days, I promise!" Though Ikio didn't understand anything, he gave me a satisfied look.

Mitsuki smiled at us and held his hand and waved like he was telling me goodbye.

I giggled at him and went back inside. Katsuki had purposely told me that he would be early today and that we would make dinner together.

I was insecure thinking maybe he didn't like my food and he wants to cook for himself? But I push those thoughts aside and wait for him.

The last thing I would want now is insecurity.

I hear the door open. Only to find a hot Katsuki in a suit with his bands sticking to his forehead because of the sweat. I push away all the perverted thoughts aside and go to help him.

"What happened? Why are you sweating? Is something wrong?" Well, there's my 24/7 worrying ass. "Don't worry Izuku. The car broke down a mile away, I had to walk all the way."

"What! Did you come here walking? You just be tired!" Izuku gasped. "Omg! It's just a mile Izuku! Don't worry" I gave him a judging look and then went back to help him with his coat.

"Anyway, let's start on dinner, shall we?"

I think this is going to be the best thing in my life, I was about to cook dinner with my hot crush, who would most probably be flexing his biceps.

What a life. I love it!

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