Chapter 31

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Katsuki's POV

"By the way Deku. You never told me anything about your parents, like where you used to be before you came here?" I was genuinely curious.

We were in a position where I was sitting on the couch sprawled out and Deku is straddling me while facing me so we could talk comfortably.

"Oh! I live with my mother and her boyfriend. Before you ask, dad left us years ago when he found out that mom was pregnant with me. Lame.

But yeah! My mom and his boyfriend are great! So I don't mind them being together! Wait! You should meet them someday! It would be awesome! They were curious about you guys anyway!"

I kinda freaked out. "Wait! No, I can't do that! Isn't it like meeting your boyfriend's family for them to accept our relationship? I would love them too, but I am still kinda worried!"

"They are quite nice Kacchan! Don't worry! We could go in the evening today! My mom would love you! Though her boyfriend is kinda overprotective towards me.

But it wouldn't be a problem!" I was still hesitant. What if they didn't like me? What if they expected a younger person? What if they make him break up with Deku?.

All because thoughts ran in my head until I was snapped by Ikio's cries. How is he even this energetic to cry the whole day? Maybe that's why he sleeps most of the time?

I nearly let out a whine when Deku stood up and ran to Ikio's room but thankfully I stopped myself before I did. Deku came back with Ikio in his hands.

He wanted to ask me something but before that my phone started ringing. I chuckled and Deku giggled when we saw Ikio look in the direction of my phone.

Shitty Hair: Hey Bakubro! Are you home? I and the others are outside the door!

Shitty Hair: Bro! Please stop yelling! We are here for the food!
Katsuki: Typical you.

I opened the door to find all the dumb extras outside. I just slammed the door back when they came inside. They jumped a little as if they aren't used to it.

Shitty Hair freaked out at something while I was entering and I didn't pay attention to what it was. Then I realized the brat.

"No worries Kirishima. He has kinda warmed up." They were surprised to hear that. "What? That's my son shitheads!" and I swear I heard someone mumble, 'Glad you noticed'.

"So what are you up to, Izuku"

"Nothing exactly Kaminari, I am trying to convince Katsuki to meet my parents"

"Well, why not visit them, bro?"


I was fuming that I didn't comprehend what I said. The extras had their jaws open while I was confused, I understood it when I met their blushing face of Deku.

"Wait! You guys are dating? When? Why? How? Who's the top? Who confessed? I need answers!" I swear I was about to kill Pinky because of how loud she was and for also embarrassing us.

"Let me fucking explain. Yes, we started dating two days ago. We kinda confessed at the same time. We had made out in the past. Kissed a couple of times, so yeah. But we are just trying out, so..."

Those extra started yelling again which had Deku stop then because they were being too loud and even though that brat was awake it is still disturbing.

I mentally thanked him for stopping them. I was so god damn glad. We had dinner together with them even though it was a little irritating I managed to limit my cursing.

Deku did his best to put that brat to sleep because of how loud the extra was. I don't even know how that kid is sleeping his whole life? I swear he is a mini Aizawa.

The dinner was good since Deku prepared it and the extras liked it too. We talked for some time before they had to leave to go back to their homes.

"I fucking missed you the whole time!"

"What do you mean Kacchan? I was here the whole time."

I pulled him back into my lap to mean what I said. Thankfully he understood pretty quick and wrapped his hands around my neck.

I smirked at him and placed my hand on his waist. Though he didn't seem content. He took hold of my hand and slowly slid them down to his soft ass.

Damn, he was thick!

Honestly, up till now, he was dominating me because I was confused and hesitant but today I have a feeling that he also likes to be dominated. Like now he wants me to take control and initiate stuff.

I started kissing from his collarbone up to his neck, which had him mewling and whimpering. I bit down on a spot which made me give out a loud gasp.

I kept traveling up to his jawline and then finally to his lips. I gave a sudden halt when I came near his lips to which he responded by whining.

Slowly our lips met each other, much to our satisfaction. I ran his hand through my hair and grasped it, tightly, pushing me towards him.

I loved how desperate he was.

Our kiss was slow and passionate, with no lust, no hunger just love. Just what we both wanted at the moment. I loved every single moment of it.

I finally have the feeling of being loved and loving someone after months. I think me and Izuku were fated to meet at some point in our life.

For some odd reason, I am a little happy that Camie did cheat on me, if she hadn't, then I wouldn't have been able to meet this lovable angel.

I accept it now. I am in love with you, Izuku Midoriya.

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