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3rd person's POV

Today was the big day for the couple. They were finally getting married. What was more special was that their son was also witnessing their marriage. 

How lovely. Ikio seemed to be the most excited person, he kept wiggling in Mitsuki's arms, trying to get to his Papa, who was on the other side of the wedding arena.

Inko was shedding happy tears, standing with her boyfriend, who had proposed to her a few weeks ago. Izuku was happy that he finally get to call him 'Dad'.

Katsuki was with his friends. The most irritating point was that in the Bakusquad, only Mina had some sort of a dressing sense, while all the others were just goofing around.

Shoto decided to help the Bakusquad seeing that they were struggling badly, while Iida, Uraraka, and her few weeks' girlfriend Tsuyu, who had come back from America were helping Izuku.

Seeing that Izuku was the bottom, Katsuki tried so hard to get him in a wedding dress instead of a suit. Yet, Izuku kept telling him that he would look hideous.

Little did Katsuki know, that Izuku was forced to wear a dress because of his friends and family. They wanted him to wear a wedding dress after seeing a few wedding ideas on the internet.

Even though Izuku was adamant about not wearing it, everyone convinced him with a lot of bribery like chocolates and bunny plushies.

Shoto had gotten real close with Katsuki over the months. They were like best bros now. Not that Katsuki would admit it since it would damage his ego and upset Kirishima.

Kirishima is Katsuki's best bro.

Right now, Shoto was just Katsuki's best friend, he feels that Shoto is a little bearable, unlike the Bakusquad.

Shoto and Katsuki had gone shopping together for Katsuki's wedding.

They chose an elegant black suit which was then later designed with Shoto's ideas. His suit was designed with beautiful diamond-like gems.

It has a beautiful effect like it was dropping from his shoulders, the largest gem on his shoulder blade and as it lowers down, the size gets smaller.

Katsuki's shoulder blade was something that Izuku found attractive so they decided to give it a lot of importance.

The black suit was right fitting, showing Katsuki's biceps. Unlike the usual spikes, Katsuki's hair was styled and slicked back giving a sexy look.

Izuku was dressed in a white dress which was chosen by him, his mother, and Uraraka. The dress was then designed and tampered with a little by Inko.

The dress was right fitting, showing Izuku's beautiful curves. The dress perfectly fit his small waist, giving everyone a nice show of his figure.

All the girls present there were jealous of Izuku's body, which boosted Isis's self-confidence and Katsuki's ego.

His dress was stitched with lovely white flowers all around, especially on his hips. Izuku felt a little weird wearing girly clothes but that didn't stop him from surprising his fiancee.

Seeing that Izuku's hair had grown quite long, Tsuyu put them up in a bun, showing Izuku's collarbone properly. Soon, it was time for walking down the aisle.

Izuku was embarrassed to walk with a dress and bun, but he did admit that he looked beautiful, so showing it off wouldn't hurt anyone.

Izuku's best man was Shoto, while Katsuki's best man was Kirishima. Toshinori was overwhelmed when he was told to walk with Izuku down the aisle.

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