Chapter 26

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Izuku's POV

I ran up to Ikio's room to tend to him. Ikio has woken up just as I thought. Today it was a much easier task to calm him down. It usually takes a lot of time, but today he stopped crying right after seeing me.

I lifted him and went downstairs, completely forgetting the fact that Katsuki would be there. The clatter of the utensils reminded me.

Oh fuck. What if he doesn't wanna meet Ikio? What if he goes back to being angry if he meets him? Even though he just confessed, there is a chance!

I went up to the kitchen table, it wasn't long until I and Ikio were noticed. Katsuki gulped nervously and looked at me with an awkward expression.

"Do you wanna hold him?" I don't know what would be his response, but it was worth a shot. "Ummm, I don't know. I am scared."

"It's okay, Katsuki. It's your son. Of course, you can wait if you want to." I tried to be as comforting as I could. "Will you help me?" That put up a big smile on my face.

I always thought Katsuki was ashamed to ask for help, but I am happy that he is comfortable with me, that he is being himself.

"Of course! That's what I am here for!" He slowly walked up to us and held out his trembling hands. I knew he was nervous, but it would all fade away once he feels his son.

I slowly handed over Ikio to him, and Ikio immediately snuggled up to him. The warmth of the father. I was more than happy seeing that, but until I realized water droplets on my right hand with which I was supporting Ikio and Katsuki.

I snapped up to Katsuki who has nasty tears running down his face. I kinda freaked out. I quickly took Ikio and put him in his crib that was placed nearby and turned to Katsuki.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I could see his tears, it made me feel bad. "I a-am so-sorry, it's j-just so over-overwhelming...." With that, he again broke down into sobs.

I quickly glanced at Ikio who seemed to have no idea of what was happening. His crib had this rattle-like thing hanging above his head And Ikio always loved it.

I then quickly pulled Katsuki into my arms. He kept sobbing on my chest, leaving tear marks, but I didn't mind.

"Ssshhh, it's okay. We could take it slow. Don't worry....." I softly whispered, he lifted his head to be straight to meet with mine, I gazed into his eyes, it looked like they held the whole universe.

I heard that kissing makes people comfortable and happy. Wouldn't it be nice if Katsuki felt that way now? I mean he was crying and it would be nice to make him feel happy.

I could see him steal glances at my lips. I wanna kiss him so badly now, but I would be happy if he made the first move. And to my surprise he did.

He leaned in and closed the gap between us, it was just as passionate as the one we had before Ikio woke up, I quickly melted into it.

Our lips, devour each other. It wasn't filled with lust, just love. No sinful tongue was d, but I still loved every part of it.

He kept kissing me while moving his hands to my waist, while mine went to his neck.

I slowly gripped his hair and pushed him further into the kiss making him groan. A few minutes passed by as we broke apart, looking back at each other's eyes.

It took us a while to comprehend what happened and just as we did we turned away blushing as I went back to pick up Ikio. I was about to ask Katsuki something, but he interrupted me.

"Do you want me to make the milk? I think I could do that since, you know, last night....?" I was more than happy he was willing to help.

"Yes, please! That would be nice!" I went back into the living room taking Ikio with me to pass time. I kept speaking to him in baby language making him smile slightly.

Katsuki's POV

I still can't understand why I feel addicted to his lips, his touch, his smile, his features, HIM! I mean, we do know each other for a while now, but isn't it too early?

Like my wife died not too many months ago, and he is someone I met a few months ago. But I still want him so bad! Like how is that even possible?

What happened to me? The real me? I don't know what this feeling is but HE makes me happy. And for at's all I need to move on, and I will.

I heard the doorbell ring as I quickly closed the milk bottle, I handed it to Izuku and ran up to answer the call. I heard Izuku say a quick 'thank you' which finely made me blush.

I opened to door to be met with Shoto, and and and and and and and and Ochako, Teny d very average-looking man being held by Ochako and Tenya.

Even though I was confused, I was quick to notice that Shoto was crying, badly.

I called out to Izuku and then hugged Shoto who seemed shaken up. Izuku came up to the door and helped Ochako and Tenya to bring that weird-looking man in.

We ask went inside and say on the couch with that man on the ground still restrained. I glanced at that brat's crib to find him sleeping, how did he even sleep this fast?

Izuku excused himself and put that brat in his room and came rushing back in. I wanted to wait until he came back so that we could talk this out. I decided to start, "So, what happened?"

"This is Touya Todoroki."

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