Chapter 18

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3rd person's POV

Katsuki had decided on a fancy steak dinner with red wine, much to Izuku's dismay. "Katsuki that's a lot of work!" Izuku kept whining, hoping Katsuki would change his mind.

But that's Katsuki! He didn't listen to anyone but himself! Katsuki had already worn his apron and started collecting the necessary ingredients.

Izuku didn't want to work too much since first, he was tired and wanted to do nothing but stare at Katsuki and maybe get a little extra sleep.

He was also worried about Katsuki, seeing that the elder works really hard and cooking might just make him even more tired. He hopes that Katsuki takes everything easy.

Katsuki started cutting the basic vegetables, while Izuku stared at him in awe, his hands moved like Gordon Ramsay! His cooking skills were just as good!

Izuku felt a little insecure, after seeing Katsuki's skills. His hands moved on the vetting board in a fashionable way which just fired up Izuku.

"Are you gonna help or what?" Izuku blushed a beet red. He quickly started frying the steak. "Sorry! I was just amazed by your cooking skills..." He trailed off.

Katsuki chuckled and replied, "I know you are feeling insecure, your eyes say the truth. Don't worry. Your cooking is just as great. Cooking is my hobby."

Katsuki casually added that he didn't think about the great shock he couldn't cause to Izuku. Of course, he didn't. Katsuki didn't think it was a really good thing or something.

Izuku gasped at that. "What? Hobby? That's great! You seem to be an expert!" Katsuki chuckled and said,

"Oh no. Your exaggerating." He didn't know what was happening.

This isn't his usual self. He is sassy. If it was another person, he would have replied in a sassy tone, 'Duh! This is Katsuki Bakugo. What do you expect? I am good at everything.'

But that's not what happened today. Katsuki has this tingly feeling in his heart. Every time his hands brush against Izuku or he looks at Izuku's closed eye smile, he feels like butterflies are in his stomach, fluttering furiously.

He tried thinking about this but always turned up empty-handed. His dumb ass didn't even know that he was feeling the love. He was falling for Izuku.

How tough could it be? But it was for him. He felt guilty that he is having weird feelings towards a stranger even though he is a married man, who technically has a child.

Especially since his wife died not too many months ago. How could he forget that so easily? It's his wife! He shouldn't feel the love! He didn't deserve love!

Love is divine. He is nowhere near that. He shouldn't feel them. Izuku is a great person. But Katsuki is just a person whose wife cheated on him because he was a bad husband, who didn't understand her needs.

All thoughts ran through his mind that he was only snapped back because of the oil of the steak splashing in his fingers. He flinched badly.

"Ek! Sorry Katsuki! That was purely my mistake. I didn't intend to." Katsuki was thankful to Izuku for saving him from his depressing thoughts.

He just brushed it off and said it isn't a problem. They continued with dinner when Katsuki's phone rang. He looked at the caller id and frowned.

Katsuki: "What are you calling me for, hag?!?" Izuku giggled at the choice of words.
Mitsuki: 'Oi! Brat, don't you dare call me that! Where's Izuku, pass the fucking phone to him.'

Izuku quickly picked up the phone as Katsuki took his place and cooked the steak.

Izuku: "Yes, Mitsuki?" He asked in a happy tone.
Mitsuki:' Izuku honey, why didn't you pick up your phone? I tried calling you thrice!'

Izuku: "Oh my goodness, am so sorry! It's up in my room. I didn't think anyone would call me at this hour. Am sorry. Besides, is anything wrong?"
Mitsuki: 'Yes! This motherfucking photographer doesn't have any skills! We fucking canceled the shoot! He is so stupid, doesn't even know how to handle babies! I just thought I would let you know, honey... "

Izuku: "Awww, that is so sweet of you! You didn't have to though." With a couple of goodbyes, the call ended and Izuku returned the phone to Katsuki, who in turn went back into the living room to put it in the charger.

"Fuck!" Izuku was startled to hear a while from his back. He turned around and tried but to laugh. There he was, Katsuki was holding on to his toe, hoping on one leg.

"Stop laughing! I stub my fucking toe on this stupid table. It fucking hurts." Katsuki kept whining.

"Hahahaha! You're so cute Katsuki! You still behave like a child."

"Child or adult, this hurts like a bitch! Ah! Who the fuck placed the table here?!?" Izuku giggled as Katsuki hopped around sputtering curses.

"It's your house, Katsuki. So you choose the place for the table. Or perhaps you forgot, 'Mr. I have a very bad memory"

Katsuki gave him an offended look and then went back to help with the dinner.
"By the way, that Shinso guy called me asking if we could meet them again this weekend. But then he canceled the plan.

Like, why does he fucking call, if he hasn't sure! I was in the middle of a fucking meeting!" Izuku knew this was bound to happen someday.

"Don't worry, he is always like that. Next time calls when you're doing something important just ignore the call. He usually doesn't call back. Since he is lazy as fuck."  Izuku said.

"Well. I better remember that." Katsuki muttered.

The couple had a nice peaceful dinner prepared by one of the world's best chefs (or so he calls himself)

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