Chapter 29

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3rd person's POV

Early in the morning, Izuku got a call that woke him up. It was a Sunday morning, which meant that Katsuki was home and wouldn't be up early.

Izuku irritatedly woke up and searched for his phone in the dark picking it up and not caring to check the caller id, he just decided to ask the person what the fuck his problem was.

Izuku: Excuse me? Who is this? Just for the record, it's a Sunday morning and I would rather be asleep in my bed. Besides, it's 5:30!
Mitsuki: Umm..Izuku? Sorry.....

Izuku: Oh my goodness! Mitsuki! I am so sorry! I didn't mean to talk like that!
Mitsuki: No no no, it's okay Izuku. I am sorry, I would prefer my sleep on Sundays too, but I just got an important call, I need to go to South Korea as soon as I can. I am actually on my way to the airport, Ikio hasn't woken up yet, but I definitely can't leave him alone with Masaru, so do you mind.......?

Izuku: Oh! Of course, I would love to! I will pick him up as soon as possible!
Mitsuki: Thanks a lot Izuku! You are a literal angel!

Izuku tossed around on his bed, he hated it when someone woke him up. But the first thought that came to his mind was to do their rights this early in the morning?

It was 6 when he decided to stop being a lazy goose and go pick up Ikio. He didn't want poor Masaru to take care of the baby by himself.

Izuku quickly put on a pair of jeans and a shirt. He wanted to look decent in front of Masaru, they hardly spoke so he wanted a good impression.

Still rubbing the sleep from his eyes, Izuku went down to find Katsuki at the kitchen table working on his laptop. He was surprised to find this much of a workaholic!

"Katsuki? Isn't it too early to work?" Izuku kinda startled Katsuki, "Oh Izuku! Ummm, yeah I woke up early, so why not. Besides where are you going, isn't it too early to be dressed in jeans?"

"Oh, about that. Mitsuki called me a few minutes ago telling me that she had to leave for South Korea, so she wanted me to pick Ikio up at your parent's house"

"Sorry about my mother, she had always been a morning person" Katsuki kindly apologized, "Now I know where you get that from," Izuku mumbled.

"Shall I drive you?" Izuku looked up at him with puppy eyes, "You can??? Please??? Pretty please??? I am too tired to walk all the way!!!!" Izuku whined.

"Okay okay! Stop whining! I will drive you there!" Katsuki laughed. Izuku was more than pleased to get a ride to a place that is technically on the other side of the city.

Time skip~

Masaru didn't come out and Katsuki didn't come in, so they didn't meet. Katsuki had purposely asked Izuku not to say anything about his presence.

Which Izuku complied to. The moment Izuku stepped in, as if cue, Ikio woke up and started crying. Masaru was quick to take Izuku up to Ikio's room.

Fortunately the moment Izuku stepped into Ikio's room and looked at him, Ikio stopped crying he was just wiggling around in uneasiness.

"Awww, my baby woke up! How was your stay here? Hope you didn't nag your grandparents, did you? You didn't, right? You are a good boy!"

Masaru stood at the door, listening to Izuku and Ikio's interaction. How much he had wished for a person like this as his son-in-law?

It's not that he didn't like Camie, but she always seemed shady and wasn't that social, he and Camie never really talked, he always said that he neither liked nor hated her.

But to him, Izuku seemed to be the perfect person! A good friend, a good person, a good babysitter. He looked like a natural at babysitting.

Katsuki hardly likes people, but he and Izuku seemed to have clicked right away! Mitsuki loves Izuku, Ikio loves Izuku! He was a perfect husband material for Katsuki.

Masaru just hoped that they would get married or something.

Izuku's POV

Once I was back in the car with Ikio, I noticed that Katsuki never looked my way. I was worried about how he would react, but this is far better than I reacted.

"Oh! And Izuku! I wanted to ask, how did you get g nickname Deku?" I looked over at him, a little startled, he is trying to change the topic.

"Oh, that's just a lousy nickname my elementary school friends gave me.

I was too young to understand what it meant but seems like it means useless. Once I got into high school friends kinda got notice of it, they said it sounded like Dekiru, which meant can do anything. So ya, it kinda stuck"

"Does that mean I can call you Deku?" Well, that was out of the blue. "Of course! You can if you want! But I wanna give you a nickname too......."

I saw him nod next to me with a slight smile, it kinda encouraged me. "What about something like Satsuki?" I knew it was bad, I chuckled internally.

"Wait what?!? That's a big fat no!" I started laughing lightly, glad that Ikio wasn't listening to us and was preoccupied with my finger which he was sucking on.

"Just kidding! What about something like...Kat-Katsu-...Kacchan!" To which he turned around, surprisingly. "I like the way it sounds, so yeah sure. This is kinda new, no one ever had sweet nicknames for me."

"Wait what?" I gaped at him. "Yeah, of course, those so-called friends of mine gave me some like, Bakubro, Bakuhoe, Bakubitch. But that isn't sweet!"

"Jesus Katsuki! There is a kid in here! Keep your language children friendly!" Katsuki gave me an offended look.

"He is just a few months old! He can't speak!" I scoffed at him and turned around. "Okay okay, I will try not to curse!"

"That's better!"

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