Chapter 13

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3rd person's POV

Izuku was having a difficulty in breathing because of Kirishima's huge figure laying on top of him. Kaminari had run up to Katsuki and jumped on him.

Katsuki skillfully caught him in the middle air, supporting him by keeping his hands on his thighs, whereas Kaminari's hands were around Katsuki's neck and his legs were around his waist.

"Bakubro! I missed you!" Kaminari yelled dramatically as Katsuki's face morphed into disgust, making the situation even more fun.

Sero and Mina followed them, chuckling to themselves.

Once everyone was settled back into the living room, Izuku was the center of attention.

"Hi! My name is Izuku Midoriya. The current babysitter and housekeeper. I am 19 years old and I graduated from U.A." Everyone got even more interested when he said he Is from the same school as them.

"Is that our Kohai? He is so cute!"

Izuku blushed at Kaminari's words, making the others coo even more. Katsuki chuckled and replied, "Yeah, we are his Senpais." Mina frowned and said, "Don't call us Senpai, please, I hope you know our names."

"Yes, Mina," Izuku said, making her smile.

"Okay then Izuku, what's your sexuality?" Sero choked in thin air hearing Kaminari's words.

"Dude! That's a personal question!" That was not something they expected.

"It's okay Sero, am gay by the way."

Mina gasps dramatically and said, "Thank God he isn't homophobic like your previous receptionist!"

Izuku was having a visible confusion. "Oh yeah, Izu! Katsuki had a receptionist in his company who was very homophobic that she went to an extent of punching a lesbian girl!" Kirishima explains.

"Wait you have nicknames for each other?" Kaminari asked with curiosity

"Not exactly babe, He calls me Izu whereas I call him Kiri."

Mina squealed, "Awwww, I wanna give you nicknames too!"

"You can Mina" Izuku smiled.

"Okay, guys help me come out with a few!" They turned out with Izu, Zuku, Izuwu, Zuko, and Zuzu.

"Great, we got a lot of nicknames! Now Izuku, you're a part of the Bakusquad! But remember, you're not supposed to keep secrets with us."

Okay, they were gonna expose him.

"Of course Kaminari." Izuku felt homely and comfortable with them. They seemed to be the type you would trust no matter what!

Just then the phone rang. Izuku hoped it wasn't Shoto or Uraraka by any chance, he was in a good mood and it might just ruin his entire day.

The caller Id said "Mirio💕" Katsuki couldn't help but feel jealous about the heart. He desperately wanted to hear the conversation.

Jealous because of his son's babysitter.

Fortunately, Kaminari came to the rescue. "Bro, take the call in speaker. Remember, no secrets." Kaminari smirked.

"Dude that's invading privacy" Katsuki wanted to punch Sero now.

"It's okay Sero, it's not anything secretive about him anyway" Izuku didn't understand why they wanted to hear the phone call, they just wanted to expose him and have fun teasing him.

Nothing serious, just friendly stuff.

Izuku: Morning Senpai!
Mirio: Hi Izuku, sorry for disturbing you, but today's your day off, right?

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