Chapter 43

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3rd person's POV

The couple decides to end their first date with a peaceful dinner. Katsuki had purposely chosen a romantic restaurant with a beautiful sea view.

Izuku had never been to too expensive restaurants like this, it was his first time and he was mesmerized. The oceanic view was lovely at the night.

Sure they can't see much of the ocean, but the chilly weather made them feel lively. Having had a stressful week earlier, the boys wanted nothing but peace.

After a very long time, the couple is spending time with themselves. Though Izuku wasn't his usual self, Katsuki was happy that he wasn't in a bad mood either.

"Kacchan, this place looks expensive, why would you book a place like this?" Katsuki had been expecting this, he slightly smile at his boyfriend's pout.

"You like it, don't you? Then money doesn't matter" Izuku felt a blush creep up his cheeks, he loved it when someone cared about his happiness much more than anything.

Izuku felt a little bratty today, "Kacchan, I think I need to tell you something....." Katsuki was taken aback by Izuku's hesitation, all negative thoughts running in his head.

"Sure Deku, what is it?" Seeing the sight waver in Katsuki's voice, Izuku smirked internally, he was happy that his plan was going the right way.

"It's just that, I don't know how to say-" Izuku started making Katsuki worry even more. "Just say it you're worrying me," Katsuki stated after successfully cutting off Izuku's middle sentence.

"I am ready sorry Kacchan, but I think....-" Anyone could see Katsuki tensing up. He was growing impatient, "What do you think??"

"I think....-" Katsuki was on the verge of breaking. "What in the world are you thinking?!?" Having an unnoticeable smile on his face, Izuku blurted out,

"I think I love Ikio more than you!" Katsuki had a face that was quite difficult to explain, it had confusion, sadness, anger, relief, and slight happiness.

It took a while for Katsuki to comprehend what he meant, "Are you fucking serious?!? I nearly had a heart attack you arse. I thought you found someone better.... "

Izuku slightly laughed and replied, "Of course I did, Ikio is far better than you ever were and ever will be! " Katsuki had an offended look.

"Look, I can't believe I am saying this, but I am ready jealous of my son at the moment. Don't you dare spike me up? And you seem to be extra bratty today, huh?

Maybe tonight I would be able to put you back in your place, baby boy." He seductively whispered so that only Izuku was able to hear him.

Ignoring the blush that crept up his face, Izuku said, "Kacchan, not in front of my salad!" He then tried to eat his salad and divert himself from the naughty things going on in his head.

"Deku, you have got something on your face." Izuku tried wiping his lips, "Oh, is it? Could you get it off my face, Kacchan?" Katsuki reached out and tried wiping his cheek.

"It isn't coming off, Deku." He kept trying and then after a few moments, gave up. "What was there anyway, Kacchan?" To which Katsuki cheekily retorted,

"Cuteness" and yet again, Izuku felt warmth spread in his cheeks, he never thought of Katsuki as a romantic and sappy person, "That was uncalled for, Kacchan!"

The couple enjoyed their first date, kinda funny that they both said they love each other on their first date, but they seemed to be destined.

The pair were back in the car going back home, the roads were unusually lonely, and there were very fewer cars, Katsuki had been trying to talk to Izuku for a few days now, maybe it's time?

"Izuku, we need to talk." It was more of a command, Katsuki parked the car on the side of the road and then turned seeing see Izuku properly.

Katsuki looked at Izuku and his thoughts immediately ran that if it was him, he would have freaked out about what the other would have wanted, but Izuku looked calm.

Little did he know, Izuku was having a literal storm on the inside. So many things were running in his head, all the bad and negative possibilities.

But he knew how to mask himself, he had been doing it for years now, no matter what he felt, the others always thought that he was a cherry and all-time happy person.

But there was a broken person inside. No one knew about that. "I know you are still blaming yourself for what happened with Dabi. Don't."

After looking at Katsuki unknowingly the waterworks started falling down his face, all the pent-up emotions were busting free. "I don't know, Kacchan. What should I do?"

"Izuku, look at me. It wasn't your fault. It wasn't your boyfriend's either. It was his. Dabi's fault. It isn't that your boyfriend wasn't trusting you. I know what you feel, I know that it's exactly how you feel.

You think that your boyfriend didn't trust you, right? Of course not. He loved you too much to worry you. Even if it's a big issue, he didn't want you to worry about him.

Take it that way. Your boyfriend will always be in your heart, I know he will. But let him be on the good side, but on the side where you keep apologizing and feeling guilty.

I am not asking you to forget him, neither am I asking you to forget everything that happened. I want you to stop blaming yourself.

It's okay." Izuku kept listening to Katsuki's words. The past few days Katsuki had shown him so much care and love in hopes of getting back to himself.

Izuku had been trying to move on, he knew he wasn't at fault, but he couldn't stop blaming himself. Now after hearing Katsuki, he feels better. A lot better.

Maybe not the best, but better. "Thanks, Kacchan, that helped a lot. " Katsuki was glad he was able to help Izuku. After all, they were destined.

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