Chapter 35

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3rd person's POV

"So Kacchan, where did you get the inspiration for the name Ikio?" The couple was sitting in the lounge with Ikio in Katsuki's lap, a week after they came out to the Bakugo's.

The past week had been hectic for Katsuki. Every day even though he tried to come as early as possible, Ikio would have fallen asleep.

All he wanted was to spend time with his son and boyfriend, true Izuku was there even though it was late, but Katsuki didn't like him waiting.

He had been so stressed that the moment he realized that it was the weekend, he was over the moon. At last,  he could spend quality time with his family.

"Oh, that, actually Camie wanted to name him Ikio, it was her younger brother's name, he died four years before our marriage in a car crash.

He was a friend of mine, that's how I met Camie. He shipped us, I guess. He tried so hard to hook us up, so when we found out Camie was pregnant we decided to name him in the memory of her brother."

The whole day Katsuki was gloomy. So Izuku tried his best to start up a conversation, but now he regrets it. "Oh, I am so sorry. I didn't know-"

"It's okay, I guess. Camie was buried right next to him to talk to you about that." Now Izuku understood, Katsuki wanted to ask him something but was too nervous to do so.

"Sure! Anything!" Katsuki felt a little at ease hearing Izuku. "It's her brother's death anniversary today, like I just said I didn't visit her since the funeral.

So I was wondering if you could come with me? Like you don't have to if you don't want to. I understand-" he was cut off by Izuku kissing him softly.

"Like I already said, Kacchan. I will be with you throughout the process. Every step, you have me. Please, you can rely on me, don't feel hesitant at all.

And of course, we can go, I am sure Ikio would love to meet his mother! Wouldn't you, you naughty child (he asked Ikio)?" Katsuki felt happy after hearing Izuku.

It's true, he has Izuku now. Of course, he could rely on his boyfriend! He is not alone anymore. This is it. A new beautiful family, a cute kid, and a loving boyfriend.

He hopes Camie is proud of him for moving on and falling in love again. That's what she would have wanted. A new and happy life for him. Even though she isn't here.

The trio got ready to visit the graveyard. Izuku decided to wear denim jeans and a white shirt, while Katsuki's wife a pair of black ripped jeans with his signature tee shirt that has a skull on its front.

Ikio was dressed up in a small bunny onesie that Mitsuki has bought a few weeks ago. Izuku thought it was cute. And then the family set out.

They decided to walk to the church even though it's quite far away, Izuku thought it might help Katsuki clear his thoughts, besides if they got tired they could catch a cab halfway.

All the way Katsuki hardly uttered a word, while Izuku stayed silent at the awkwardness between them, he started feeling guilty for going with Katsuki and Ikio seeing that he was in no way related to Camie.

Whereas Ikio was enjoying the walk and the beautiful scenery, oblivious to the thick tension between his parents (*suggestive eyebrows*).

Izuku was so happy when Katsuki said they were near.

Katsuki felt himself freeze looking at the same church where his best friend was buried and where he got married then yet again another loved one died and was buried at the same place.

Izuku felt a wave of nostalgia wash over them when he saw the church coming into view, he didn't know why because they were at the back entrance and were yet to go inside.

When Izuku stepped into the compound that's when he realized. The same old building, the same old oak tree on the right, the same old graveyard on the left. It's just that they were in the back entrance.

Katsuki started walking forward and it took him a while to see that Izuku wasn't following him with Ikio in his stroller. He turned around to see his boyfriend in tears.

Panic quickly washed over Katsuki as he ran towards Izuku. "Is this the place where Camie and her brother were buried?" Katsuki nodded still confused about scrying.

"My boyfriend's funeral happened here, I haven't been here since," Izuku said sniffling. "I remember it like it was yesterday, I got a call when I was home waiting for him to come over.

And-" Katsuki quickly pulled Izuku into a hug, even though he was also about to cry, he knew that crying might worsen the situation.

Izuku couldn't believe it at all. He was so distressed. He didn't expect a coincidence like-like this. He had purposely avoided this church for years.

Coming back here would bring back his boyfriend's face and smile making it harder for him to breathe. He had never come here because of that.

Katsuki had prepared himself during their walk here, he had to stay strong no matter what. And he will. Izuku then calmed down a little.

His cries were reduced to pitiful sniffles and whimpers making it hard for Katsuki to control his tears. He didn't want to see his boyfriend cry, never. But it was his mistake to bring hun here.

"I remember Katsuki, they held his funeral right here. I was there and I could do nothing! 25th November XXXX. I lost my life that day."

Katsuki slowly started tearing up. Izuku was quick to ask him why getting worried about his boyfriend,

"That's the day I got married Izuku, right here"

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