Chapter 7

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Izuku's POV

I tried to put Ikio to sleep as fast as possible, I didn't want another incident like yesterday. It was scary for the baby. He is still sensitive to loud sounds.

Ikio didn't sleep much today during nap time, so it was easy to put him to sleep. I sang a simple lullaby which worked! He looked so cute and petite in my arms.

I decided to do hot ramen noodles today! I didn't have a very big appetite, but I was hoping Katsuki would eat it up, I have an intuition that he would like spicy stuff.

Peter tingle. Or more like Izuku tingle.

I went back to the kitchen to start on dinner when I heard the other door open. I quickly rushed to greet him. He had black bags under his eyes.

I was kinda worried. Why is he sacrificing his sleep? Maybe he is getting nightmares..

"Welcome back, Katsuki. I made dinner for the both of us." He seemed a little startled when he heard me. I think he didn't expect me to speak to him after yesterday's incident.

Expect the unexpected.

"Oh! Yeah, thanks Izuku. I will come down after a bath" he said after a few moments. I gave him a huge smile. I could see him searching for something behind me.

I think he expected Ikio to be here. Well, who's fault is that?

I help him remove his coat and hang it. He was a little surprised about my sudden movement, his eyes were blown wide.

Maybe I looked like a wife. Geez, Izuku calm down your heart. You don't even know if he is bi. Stop letting your heart like the unattainable.

What if he is homophobic? I hope not. I am as straight as a wet noodle and if he found that, then I might even get fired.

I was snapped out of my trance by the loud sound of Katsuki stomping up the stairs. What if Ikio wakes up? Is he doing it on purpose? Such an idiot but I like it.

Well, good thing that Ikio must have been in deep sleep seeing that he was very tired when I put him to bed, he was out like a candle.

I went back into the kitchen to finish the dinner. I wanted it to be perfect, so I gently laid the table in the best way I could think of, with subtle folds along the corner.

I hope he likes it.

I chose a simple tablecloth, it looked kinda cute. I placed pepper and salt shakes in the middle and placed all the cutlery for the both of us.

I decided on red wine, I had a lot of choices in the fridge, but red wine sounded good. I was a little nervous about what he will think. I mean, I know nothing about him except the fact he is super hot and that he ignores his son.

I saw him come down in a sleeveless black sweatshirt with a skull etched on it and baggy black pants. I heard him yawn which made me giggle a bit, which, of course, he noticed.

I didn't say anything, because I knew I would stutter under his intense and piercing gaze.

Was I already having a crush? Stupid! It's hardly been a couple of days. You guys never spoke, don't think that Izuku!

I kept repeating these words in my head as I served him the ramen. I looked at his face for some kind of reaction, but it was emotionless. Nothing, just literally nothing.

Yet, this didn't stop me from staring at his face, how perfect he looked, god. This is not legal. How could you let me suffer like this?

A single gay boy, working for a hot male, with whom he is having dinner. Especially when that male is wearing a sleeveless and every time he moves his muscles..

"Take a photo, it will last longer" I felt my cheeks were on fire. Did he notice that I was staring? Why was I staring in the first place? You total mess up.

"Sorry.. I was staring.. " He let out a deep chuckle, I had to bend my neck over so that he can't see my face. I was that red! That chuckle didn't help AT ALL!

We continued eating in silence. It was awkward actually. I wanted to break it, so I did what people would usually do. "So, why don't we talk about ourselves? We hardly know each other."

It kinda came out a little more desperate than I wanted it to be. "Oh, sure. Why don't you start?" We had just finished dinner, but we didn't move an inch, since both of us wanted to talk.

"Okay. So yeah, The name's Izuku Inko Midoriya. Just finished high school. I love drawing, singing, and spending time with family and friends.

Am very social. I am known as a bookworm, not sure if it was an insult or a compliment. I can also play a few instruments!" I looked at him and he was having a very small, nearly invisible, smile.

"Okay, guess it's my turn. The name's Katsuki Masaru Bakugo. CEO of the Bakugo Agency. I like dancing, gardening, and video games, I guess.

Am not very social. I gave a couple of friends who call themselves 'The Bakusquad' a bunch of assholes if you ask me. I can play drums, but I was forced to learn it. So, yeah. That's all about me."

I was thinking about the Bakusquad thingy since I was so sure I knew it. He seemed to have noticed me thinking something. "What's in your mind?"

"Oh! I have heard of this Bakusquad somewhere... " I let out a gasp in recognition. "You graduated high school in U.A?" I was very excited, he just gave a small nod.

I gasped again and continued with a smile. "I graduated in U.A too! Your squad was known as the most powerful. But yeah, we never met. I was a freshman during your last year."

He didn't seem as excited as me but then said "That's good I guess, hope you didn't have Aizawa as your homeroom teacher." He says with a smug look.

"He was my homeroom teacher!" The rest of the night went by talking about other stuff.

We didn't realize the time, but when we did, I told him to go to sleep and that I would wash the dishes tomorrow.

I honestly didn't want to do the dishes and I felt kinda sad when he went to his room, leaving me to go to mine all alone. He could have come to my room and told me a goodnight..

Oh, wait- that's too much to expect from him.

Honestly, I was just as tired as he was. I hope yesterday's incident didn't make a difference in our relationship. I will make Katsuki love Ikio!

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