Chapter 6

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Izuku's POV

I woke up quite early that day, it was 6:30 as I checked my alarm clock. Since I had some more time, I decided to look through my phone, squinting at the sudden gush of light. 

My mum had sent a few messages, Mirio Senpai had ranted about his date.  I quickly reply everyone, when I heard a sudden slamming of the main door.

I knew it was Katsuki. He has been working early and coming home late but I think it helps him forget the reality. Maybe that's his coping method?

Everyone has their way of coping and I knew that Katsuki was a workaholic so I didn't be surprised if he decided to stay in his office so that he can avoid Ikio.

Ikio had a baby monitor in his crib since I can't always stay with him. Besides, I have to do household chores too. Ikio seems to be in a deep slumber, making me giggle to myself. Cutie pie!

I decided to lift my lazy ass out of the bed and start working. Yesterday, Katsuki's reaction got me a little jumbled up in my mind. I need some time to think it through.

I make my way downstairs, thinking about him. I know it's hard, but I can't help but wonder why Ikio was at fault? He is so cute and irresistible! How is Katsuki avoiding him?

I decided on a simple breakfast, seeing that it's just for me, I would have skipped.. But Mirio Senpai would kill me if he knew his little brother skipped meals.

I skipped mine yesterday and doing it again might just end up being a very bad idea. I do care about my health and I also don't want hour-long advice from Mirio Senpai.

I made breakfast in peace, I was kinda worried as to why Ikio still hasn't woken up and called me yet. Babies usually wake up crying since they get scared when they are alone.

I dry my hands after washing them, I quickly pick up my phone to check Ikio's baby monitor. What a cutie pie! He had woken up already, looking around with his cute doe eyes.

I cooed at him before making my way to his room, as I opened the door and went towards his crib, he looked at me with curiosity and slowly tugged his lips.

It didn't look like a smile, but it could be!

I pick him up and start cradling him. I loved talking with babies, even though they don't understand. Their reactions are so cute when they are confused.

I start telling him about how good a boy he was, not disturbing me after waking up! He is a literal angel. I continued baby talking to him and started heating milk for him.

I could have kept him in his crib in the dining room, but I missed him too much! I couldn't get myself to leave him somewhere else, he was too cute!

Ikio being a good boy drank up all the milk in a few minutes. I cooed at the way his cheeks puffed up while sucking in the bottle.

He looks so chubby and especially when he has his mouth in a pout or when he is drinking his milk, his cheeks puff up making him look like a soft squishy!

I spent the whole day playing with him. As in, I was baby talking the whole time, showing him toys that emit light or produce sounds. His reactions to them are so lovely!

Since he is just a newborn, these kinds of toys are really attractive to him. I knew it because I have seen a lot of babies playing with them and giggling.

I could see him slowly drift into a deep slumber when his nap time was around the corner.

Since he is just a few days old, he usually spends his day sleeping, I use this time to finish all the pending work.

This is kinda like a blessing since I don't have to spend all my time without doing the household chores and just awing at him.

Katsuki's outburst has still not left my mind. I knew that it was just hate towards his son, but I feel like his eyes betrayed him.

I could see that his eyes held, sorrow, depression, and all those sad stuff. Your eyes never lie. My mother always told me that and now I can witness it.

But I am 100% sure that those eyes also held love and adoration. Maybe he is trying to hide his love for his son because it could trigger him.

But he is hiding it with anger, which is not a good idea.

He just doesn't realize how much it could affect Ikio's future. His own dad hates him. I hope Katsuki understand his mistakes. He could be a great dad if he wanted to.

Having a single parent for nearly my whole childhood itself was depressing and sad for me. If Katsuki stayed like this, Ikio wouldn't have anyone for him, it might make a big hole in his life!

I was zoning out when I heard my phone ring loudly. I quickly pick it up, lowering the volume so that I don't wake Ikio up. Poor kiddo.

I saw him squirm around in my peripheral view, but he still kept sleeping. Such a deep slumber he was in,  he must have been ready tired playing with me the whole time.

I didn't find the number familiar, but I decided to pick it up either way. I just hoped it wasn't some scam call, because then I would have choked him to death for nearly waking up Ikio.

"Izuku dear, it's Mitsuki here!" As soon as I heard her I made a mental note to save her number.

"Hi, Mitsuki. How are you? I didn't expect you to call me the very second day....." I asked giggling, I didn't expect her to call but I am not complaining either.

"Ah! I am good thanks for asking. I just wanted to know how things are? Are you comfortable?" She asked with a soft motherly tone.

How sweet of her. She is technically my super boss since she is Katsuki's mother and Katsuki is my boss. But she still cares for me, it kinda reminds me of my mother.

"It's all fine here Mitsuki. Ikio had already warmed up to me. Please don't worry, I am here, ain't I?" I know it sounded overconfident, but I didn't want her to worry.

"Thanks a lot, Izuku, you are a true angel!" with that she cut the call. Why would she say that? I could feel my cheeks heat up with embarrassment.

Ughh, she is just like my mother, teasing me..

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