Chapter 41

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3rd person's POV

It's been a day since the dinner at the Midoriya's, and Katsuki is currently at his office, still thinking about his lover. He wanted advice, now.

He quickly called his friends,

Mina: Hey guys! Looks like Lord Explosion Murder had called us, is it a dream?

Kaminari: Oh my dear Mina, I have the same doubt, why would Kacchan call us?

Kirishima: Do you guys ready wanna get killed or something?

Sero: Kiri is right guys, don't dig your own grave...

Bakugo: Listen here dumbasses, I needed advice about Izuku, you know, since yesterday he seemed a little off...

Kaminari: Bro? Do you care for others but not us? That's mean Kacchan!

Bakugo: Stop calling me that, idiot!

Kaminari: Rude!

Mina: You have come to the right place! I will advise you on this! But answer these, what is his favorite color? His favorite place? His favorite genre of movie? Does he like a carnival? At last, where were your previous dates?

Bakugo: Previous dates? Umm, we have never been to one.....

Kirishima: Bakubro, give me one reason why I shouldn't kill you?

Sero: Are you like serious? You have never been on a date? You must be joking...

Kaminari: Bet his explosive ass forgot about dates

Mina: Please tell me you are joking, Bakugo, or else I will personally spank your ass...

Bakugo: Look, we just wanted to try at first and then we kinda clicked, so we didn't go on dates and stuff...

Mina: The next time I see you, you're are a corpse, mind my words, Bakugo Katsuki.

Kirishima: Woah! Chill Mina!

Kaminari: I think you should just go on an ideal first date, you know, like in those romantic movies, you give him a bouquet, then go to a movie, then have dinner at a romantic restaurant, then go to the Ferris wheel in a carnival and you kiss when you reach the top.....So dreamy......

Sero: I think Kaminari is right, just go on a simple, ideal date.

Bakugo: Okay, I guess, but what do I do there? Like what after a date, it might be a little awkward between us...

Kaminari: Dude, you guys should fuck later then.

Kirishima: That's blunt, babe.

Mina: But he is right, you guys have never been on a date, so I am assuming you guys don't have an active sex life?

Sero: Bro, do what your heart tells you to.

Bakugo: Okay I guess, thanks.....

Even before his friends could respond he cut the call, no need to face embarrassment! Now the list of things he would need, a bouquet of roses, movie tickets, carnival tickets!

He decided he would ask his mother to take care of Ikio since they would most likely be going on a weekend. Because Katsuki still has to work on weekdays.

No matter what, Katsuki has to make Izuku happy. Izuku still thinks that his boyfriend was raped because of his carelessness, which isn't true.

Since last night, Katsuki had been worried about Izuku, he wasn't talking like usual, just a blunt emotionless face, yet his emerald eyes held everything.

The sadness, guilt, and anger. And Katsuki had seen that, well it was obvious to him. The mission is to make Izuku happy and it's ago.

Time skip~

"Babe, I am home!" Katsuki called out, just the usual routine. Izuku came hurrying down the stairs, seems like Ikio slept before Katsuki came back.

Dinner was soon laid in the front of the couple. "Deku?" Receiving a nod in response he continued. "You aren't yourself." He started as a matter of fact.

"What do you expect me to feel, Katsuki?" Izuku retorted as he placed his fork on his now-finished plate. Katsuki was slightly taken aback.

"Look Izuku, it's true, I don't know how you feel and I can't expect anything from you, but I am your boyfriend! I am here to support you!

I don't want to be on the receiving end forever, you know! Talk to me, you are not okay." Izuku sighed lightly before looking up at Katsuki.

"I will Kacchan. Just, give me some time, please? I need to wrap my head around everything that has been happening around me. It hurts, you know."

Katsuki smiled in a comforting manner, "Of course, Deku. Take your time, but please remember that I will always be here for you, always."

Katsuki leaned down yup his boyfriend's level to give him a small peck on the cheek, going even further than kissing and cuddling might trigger the younger.

And Katsuki didn't want that, so he decide with only a small peck on the cheek for now.

"Thanks, Kacchan, I ready appreciate it!" Katsuki choose not to tell him about their date the upcoming weekend. He wanted it to be a surprise.

Within a few minutes, Katsuki soon gobbled the rest of the food down, while Izuku was worrying about him choking on the food. He wasn't chewing properly. And it worried Izuku.

"Well babe, let's go to bed?" Izuku nodded before putting their dishes in the sink and walking back to his boyfriend. What he didn't know was, that they were sleeping together today.

The moment Izuku tried to step into his room, a strong hand swiftly pulled his waist. Izuku gasped for a second before recognizing Katsuki's arm.

Ignoring the constantly protesting Izuku, Katsuki pulled him up to their bed (Katsuki's room) and pulled him in. Slightly spooning him from the back.

After a lot of winning and struggling, Izu fell limp in Katsuki's arms. he gets too tired to do anything more. Katsuki smiled in victory when he did.

"Good night, Kacchan." Katsuki muttered a small 'good night, babe' before passing out. While Katsuki slept easily, Izuku was up with negative thoughts filling up his mind.

Pushing them to the back of his head, Izuku tried to focus on Katsuki's breathing and the way they were cuddling. It wasn't long before he dozed off into a dreamless sleep.

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