Chapter 2

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3rd person's POV

Izuku had been looking for a job for a while then. When he saw an advertisement for a babysitting job at the Bakugo household, he quickly sent in his resumé.

Izuku would have to live with them, if he took up the job. It might be a little hard because he had been living with his mom till then. He genuinely planned on moving out, and this seemed to be a perfect opportunity.

He was quite excited for the job, though his nervousness peaked in at times, kids were his favorite. He was sure he would love this job.

Izuku wanted to study medicine, but the expenses were too high and Izuku just wasn't from that well-off family. So his dream was to save his salary and attend a college.

Izuku arrived Bakugo's house quite early, besides, first impression was the best impression. His punctuality might just become his brownie points.

Today was just like an interview. In the advertisement, it said that the baby was just a few days old and this would be Izuku's first time babysitting such a young baby.

Izuku slowly staggered inside and rang the doorbell. A few moments later, he could hear footsteps coming towards the door. Soon a sweet-looking lady opened the door. She warmly welcomed him in.

"You must be Izuku. Hi, nice to see you in person. My name is Mitsuki Bakugo. You will be babysitting my grandson." She seemed so sweet, Izuku already loved her.

"Hi, Mrs. Bakugo. The pleasure is all mine. I am excited to meet your grandson!" Izuku exclaims, his nervousness slowly dissipating. 

But it seemed like there was no one else there. There must surely be some more people, right? The job was well paid, there must be more people interviewing.

"Am I the only one here? Or are there even more people who are getting interviewed?" Izuku asks a few moments later.

Mrs. Bakugo chuckles nervously. Her hands slowly finding their way to her nape as she softly rubs them.

"I didn't get a lot of people applying. Hardly a few had applied and I liked you the most, so I decided to try you out first." She explains awkwardly, before continuing.

"My son is quite famous for his aggressive behavior. No one seemed to have wanted to apply. I am glad you did! That's another reason why we don't have any maids working here.

Besides, your resumé said you had already worked as a babysitter before, what happened?" Mrs. Bakugo slowly changes the topic, steering away from her son.

"Oh that, I recently graduated high school, so during my final year, I would babysit a girl quite frequently. She has a brother, but he isn't that great with children.

To be honest, I was only asked to babysit one day, since their parents were out of station, but then she seemed to have liked me, so I went to their home frequently to have play dates with her, and her parents started going out on business trips often, so I kinda worked a lot there."

"That's awesome! I could trust you even more now! But you do know that you will have to stay here, right?" She asked as she stopped in the living room, signalling Izuku to sit with her on the couch.

"Yup! I don't mind, I still haven't moved out from my mother's house." Izuku says, shrugging casually.

"That's great then, Come on, let's meet my grandson!" She said enthusiastically, before guiding him towards a room on the first floor.

The door was a pale blue and the pastel-colored crib looked costly and very cozy too. Inside was a small baby with red eyes and blonde hair.

The edges of his lips slightly moved, like he was about to laugh. Izuku couldn't help myself, but coo at his cuteness.

He looked so soft and adorable, Izuku felt like squishing him. Just gently though.

Mrs. Bakugo smiled softly at him when she sees the fond look in Izuku's eyes. Izuku then picks him up, the baby softly cuddles into his chest, grabbing his t-shirt softly.

Babies love physical touches, it makes the feel warm and safe, just like anybody else. Who doesn't love cuddling? It makes one feel comfortable and loved.

"Now, I introduce you to Ikio Bakugo. He is a week and a half old. I am surprised at how content he is with you. Every time my husband picked him up, he starts wailing. It feels like he already loves you." She says with a sad but adoring and fond eyes.

It felt like she missed something in her life but now seeing Izuku and Ikio she was able to understand how it would've been if that wasn't the case.

Izuku slowly starts to cradle Ikio in my arms and then pay attention to Mrs. Bakugo as she was speaking about Ikio. She explained his normal behaviours and reactions.

She then suddenly turned serious. It was as if she was worried about something. "My daughter-in-law died during his birth. Ever since my son hasn't even acknowledged his presence. My son hates him.

I know it's hard to work in a condition like this... it's okay if you wanna turn down the offer. I wouldn't mind, since I can understand you. But I was hoping you could knock some sense into my son's mind."

She tried making it funny, but her eyes tell otherwise. It must've been quite difficult for her to manage work and the baby.

Ikio wasn't at fault. The poor baby might never understand why his father hated him. Growing up without his love might make him feel isolated. Maybe even orphaned.

Izuku will fix this. Ikio was inovcent and all he needs was his father's love and affection. This situation was seriously messed up.

"Don't worry Mrs. Bakugo. I will make your son feel how much important Ikio is. I don't mind working here. I don't think this is working at all.

Being with kids is always my favorite. I will definitely make sure Ikio is loved by everyone, including your son. He deserves the world after all."

"You are an angel, Izuku" Mitsuki whipers, making Izuku give a shy smile.

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