Chapter 3

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Izuku's POV

Mrs. Bakugo wanted to give me a tour around the house. So we slowly started walking with Ikio still in my arms, I was cooing at him the whole time!

Everything he did was just cute! I insisted on carrying him the whole time, he would get used to me this way.

Every time I look at him, he tried to turn his head towards me, I unconsciously smile when he does that, I knew babies were cute, but him? He is extra cute!

The first floor consisted of Ikio's room and on the opposite that was my room. She said it was because I could hear even if he cries during the night.

The first floor also consisted of Mrs. Bakugo's son. Ha! I don't even know his name.. I will have to call him Mr or Sir either way..

I kinda hated it when I had to use formalities, it was giving me a feeling like I am not trying to be friendly with them, I like being friends with everyone!

The moment we finished the first floor, Ikio yawned. I seriously halted in my steps just to see him yawn.

Cuteness overload!

It was so cute that Mrs. Bakugo started fussing and cooing over him too. We slowly crept back to his room I started cradling him.

It wasn't that tough at all. He fell asleep somewhat like instantaneously. He must have been tired because of the tour we had. He is just a week and a half old anyway.

We then went to the second floor, trying not to make the stairs squeak, since Ikio which as sleeping, but honestly we were just being a little extra dramatic.

The second floor just consisted of three guest rooms and an office. The third floor consisted of a library, a music room and a room that was kinda girly as in like had a lot of cosmetics on the dressing table and stuff, it must have been Ikio's mother's room.

The ground floor was just a living room and a kitchen. It also had a door to the backyard. Mrs. Bakugo started showing me the kitchen first since I had to cook too.

"You must be wondering why we don't have any cooks, Izuku. We used to, but then he left because my son was always angry and terrifying." I shuddered a little.

She simply giggled and said, "It's okay Izuku, he isn't that bad, that cook never tried to understand him, but I think you will, right?" I simply nodded with a slightly nervous face.

There were a lot of compartments, like a lot. She told me where the spoons and fork were, but I honestly couldn't keep count of everything. Guess I will have to search for it later.

She wanted to see my cooking skills actually, technically speaking I am not very good at cooking, but I would say I'm decent. She, fortunately, said she would help me find the utensils and groceries. Thank God.

I decided on Tonkatsu. It was kinda easy and one of my favorites. I thought I could impress her and her son with this. It was just a deep-fried, breaded pork cutlet. I planned on combining it with rice.

Mrs. Bakugo helped me as she had promised. It was quite easy, minus the part where I had to ask for the place where the utensils and groceries were kept. It was embarrassing when I had to ask for everything.

It took some more time for me to boil the rice, when I finished cooking, I gave it slight toppings and decorated my plate. I was quite satisfied. We decided to keep a bowl for my 'boss'.

The moment Mrs. Bakugo tasted my food, her eyes lit up like fireworks. I was quite nervous actually, I was rapidly tapping my foot because of my restlessness. But when she hugged me, everything changed.

She was saying how good and awesome my food was, I was honestly glad to hear that since I always thought I was just mediocre.

I think she just wanted to boost my confidence, well, I am happy that she liked my food either way!

We had a complete silence when she was eating. It wasn't uncomfortable, it was comfortable and homely. Just as she finished and she started washing her hands, we heard someone open the door.

"That must be my son, Come on let's meet him!" She excitedly pulled me with her, I was happy to see that she was acting like herself to me and that she didn't feel uncomfortable around me.

When I reached the door, I was stunned. In front of me stood a handsome blonde with red piercing eyes. He looked hot. I did expect him good looking (cause Mitsuki looked beautiful), but this man is GODLY looking!

I mentally cursed myself and said in my mind that he had just lost a wife! I can't think like that! My gay was showing, well it always peeks out at untimely situations like this. How embarrassing? I was caught a lot of times staring at people.

Well yeah, I am gay as fuck. I never really had any feelings for a girl, I knew this since middle school and my mother totally accepted me, and so did my friends.

I hope people here don't mind it too.

"Hi.. you must be the babysitter for that brat. As far as I heard you will also be working as a housekeeper. My name is Katsuki Bakugo.

I am your boss, I guess? You can call me Katsuki, don't call me sir or something formal, I have enough of that at my workplace."

I noticed him wearing a black suit which fitted him perfectly. It showed all his biceps and every time he moves or lifts his arms, I could see the way his muscles were flexing and-

Nope! Shut up!

On a serious note, he looked very tired, I guess he is using work as his distraction from all the sorrow, I think he either worked overtime or he didn't sleep properly.

There were evident black bags under his eyes, but that wasn't seen properly because of what seemed to be foundation. Why should he hide the real him?

Every time I look at him or his son, I feel the need to make them smile and hug them.

True, the feeling of losing someone is bad, but you can't hang on to it your whole life! Life goes on. If you don't pace up with it, you will be left behind.

It's okay if we can't move on easily. It takes time and patience, but at some point, we have to let go. Blaming others or ourselves makes it even worse to move on.

I needed to reply quickly. I could feel myself blushing because of the heat on my cheeks. But I should stop this, What if he isn't gay or if he is homophobic?

Let's hope he isn't.

"Hi! My name is Izuku Midoriya, nice seeing you Katsuki." I said with my smile, I decided to ignore the fact that I didn't get a response. He straight up ignored me..

He then went upstairs, probably for a shower.

"Well, thank you for coming Izuku! You got the job." I then turned around to her and smiled at her.

"Thank you for the job, Mrs. Bakugo."

"Oh let go of the formality dear, call me Mitsuki, I don't mind. I like feeling younger. " I gave her a small giggle in response and nodded my head.

I quickly conveyed to her my goodbye and started walking home. I was excited to see mom and tell her that I got the job!

I am so happy that I got a job which I can love forever!

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