Chapter 14

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Warning: Mentions of abortion

3rd person's POV

"Shoto Todoroki? The one who called him in the morning?" Katsuki asks, skeptically. 

"Yes..?" Shoto was wondering how Katsuki knew about the phone call.

"Well, I guess you could come in." Shoto and the others smirked slightly and went inside. Which was unnoticed by Katsuki.

They went inside to find Izuku serving lunch for the others, when he saw Katsuki, he quickly called him to join them. But when he noticed the other three behind Katsuki, he frowned.

"Izuku-" Todoroki tries to speak,

"You lost that privilege, Todoroki." Izuku started in a low dominating voice, which sent shivers up everyone's spine, but the newcomers stood straight.

"Okay then, Midoriya. We need to talk about the things between us. I don't think we are in a healthy relationship." Izuku straight off ignored him and directed his speech to Katsuki.

"What are they doing here, Katsuki?" Izuku turned around and asks in a relatively soft tone, the one the Bakusquad always heard.

"I don't know them, but they said they knew you so... " Katsuki sighs.

"Am sorry if I made a mistake, you didn't want to speak to them in the morning."

The rest of the Bakusquad looked confused and wanted to help Izuku. "No problem, Katsuki, it wasn't your mistake-" Izuku started with a small smile.


"Don't you dare raise your voice against me?" Izuku seethed, his dominating aura had everyone submissive. None of the Bakusquad knew this side of Izuku.

"Yeah, sorry about him, Deku. We wanted to talk about-" Uraraka was again rudely interrupted by none other than Izuku.

"Nuh-uh I don't wanna talk to any of you, so get out before I make you," Izuku says with an attitude.

"Wait, Deku? Why do they call you Deku?" Kaminari suddenly questions.

"Is that what's important now, Denki?" Asks Kirishima, slightly off the edge because of Izuku's recent behavior.

"Oi! You Pikachu, shut the fuck up when I am speaking." Izuku felt angry upon hearing Shoto's words. He then quickly places his foot behind Shoto's ankle and harshly pulls him causing Shoto to fall on his butt.

Shoto wearily says, "You are just as strong as I remember" and then chuckles dryly. "Look, am sorry Mr. Whoever you are," he says motioning toward Denki.

And then another person continues, "Midoriya. We are sorry for our actions. But we do deserve a second chance don't we? Please forgive us" Iida said.

Izuku laughs and retorts, "Are you sorry because I lost my boyfriend, or are you sorry because you referred to him as my sex toy during his funeral?"

The Bakusquad were shocked upon hearing his words and looked at the newcomers in an accusing manner.

Whereas the accused three looked down in guilt.

"We are sorry for both of those, Deku. We shouldn't have said that. You know we aren't like that." Uraraka says with a sad smile on her face.

"You aren't like that, huh? Then what about Momo, Tsuyu, Ojiro?" He says looking at Shoto, Ochako, and Tenya, the other person, respectively.

"You guys just used them for your sexual needs, didn't you? Momo got pregnant and she aborted because of YOUR carelessness, Shoto."

True, it did happen in high school when both Shoto and Momo were drunk, but it could've been avoided and that's what got Izuku infuriated.

Momo did accept that she was at fault too, and so did Shoto. Thank goodness her parents were supportive, but that doesn't make it right.

The three here kept looking down afraid of Izuku. "LOOK AT ME WHEN I FUCKING TALKING! DO YOU NOT HAVE BASIC MANNERS?" The three snapped their heads because of the order.

Whereas the Bakusquad gasped at Izuku's language and threatening aura. "Fine. I will give you a second chance. ONLY because I saw you three apologize to Momo, Tsuyu, and Ojiro. But that still doesn't cut it off."

Izuku had been wanting to talk to them for quite some time, they apologized for a lot of times and understood their mistake, which was all Izuku needed.

He didn't blame them for whatever happened, what had happened was over. It's in the past. And Izuku learned how not to dwell in the past.

The three thanked Izuku and left after planning on meeting another day. The Bakusquad was still paralyzed, which Izuku noticed.

"Hey. Am sorry I raised my voice in front of you." The Bakusquad snapped out of their trance and looked at Izuku.

"It's okay Izu, but do you mind telling us what happened?"

"We four were known as the Dekusquad during our high school. Yeah, we named ourselves after you guys. We were known as the badasses of the school after you guys graduated.

I had a boyfriend since my first year, he was the soft type and we both immediately clicked.

Around the end of our second year, we were on a date at a park, yeah lame, I know, but he wanted to go there.

I asked him if he wanted ice cream, which he did, I got an important call then, so he decided to cross the road to get to the ice cream stall, even though he checked the traffic signal and everything, a truck hit him.

I saw everything in front of my eyes. I still remember it as if it was yesterday. I rushed up to him to find him all bloodied up. He died due to intense blood loss, right in my arms.

That day was his birthday, I had a ring with me to propose to him. He was quite distant from me for a couple of weeks so I thought that it might also cheer him up. arms

I wanted to do it that day, but all I got was to witness him dying right in front of my eyes.

I loved him too much to move on."

He didn't realize that he had silent tears running down his face midway, Mina and Denki rushed to hug him, while everyone was having a sad frown. Izuku then continued.

"I didn't meet anyone else after that day, during his funeral, these three came up to me and told me to stop acting and that I would get another 'toy'. I snapped. I haven't spoken to them since.

I know they only wanted to help me, but they couldn't understand what I was going through, they never tried to do so, which just ended with ruining our relationship.

Izuku kept sobbing uncontrollably, which resulted in a group hug from everyone.

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