Chapter 8

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Izuku's POV

Yesterday night was so damn awesome that I kept getting those flashbacks. Katsuki seemed so sweet, I hope I am helping him get his mind off his wife and the reality. 

It isn't the best thing to forget reality, but for the time being, there is nothing else we can do without him lashing out with anger.

Today wasn't any special. Katsuki left to work just as I woke up, a few minutes later of me laying down in the bed staring into nothing, Ikio started crying.

I took him to the living room to feed him. It was cute, to see his cheeks puffed up while sucking the milk bottle.

I love him! His cute doe eyes, crimson-colored pupils, those plump lips, cute nose with a small red tip. He is the definition of perfect!

I didn't wanna put Ikio to bed just like yesterday so that he gets tired after playing the whole day and would have a peaceful, undisturbed sleep at the night.

This was also because Katsuki didn't have to see him. I still can't believe he is the leader of the most powerful squad in high school. I didn't even know we attended the same high school.

Since I didn't do the dishes last night, I decided to do it after breakfast. I played a soft melody song on my phone for relaxation. Ikio seemed to like it too, he was calm and has a small glint in his eyes.

There weren't many dishes actually, the only hard part was when I had to remove the food stain off the pan. It was so hard that I was scrubbing for nearly 15 minutes for the stain to come off.

I should have done the dishes yesterday, it would have been far easier..

I was surprised when I heard the doorbell. It can't be Katsuki, since he is at work. It can't be Mitsuki either, since she would be working at the moment too.

Katsuki didn't say we were expecting guests. Who could it be? I went and opened the door out of curiosity.

There stood a red-haired male, his hair was styled in a spiky way. He looked decent and handsome. And hot. Like, very hot. 

"Oh! You must be the Izuku Midoriya, auntie Mitsuki was talking about, true you do look like an angel! Where are my manners? My name is Eijiro Kirishima! I am Bakubro's friend.

I wanted to visit Ikio, which is kinda tough when he is here so, yeah!" I did hear his name since I had already heard about the Bakusquad.

I also saw a couple of pictures that Katsuki had in the house with his friends, so he is safe.

Mitsuki said that I can let his friends and my friends touch Ikio. Since they are harmless but if it's a stranger, I shouldn't let them see Ikio at all.

At that time I should switch on my Izuku mama instinct.

"Sure! Come in" I had a lingering doubt in my head, I wanted to ask Katsuki, but I didn't know how he would react. Besides, I don't wanna ruin my relationship with him since he is my crush now.

Did I just accept that I had a crush on him? Oh no.

Kirishima noticed me thinking about something as he removed his shoes. "Something in your cute mind?" Flirt.  Such a flirt and it's making me blush.

"Oh! I had a doubt.... I went to U.A as well, I was a freshman during your last year. So does that mean I should call you Senpai?"

I tilted my head in a confused manner. I was curious. Kirishima was actually laughing. "No need at all. We, as in the whole squad, don't like being called Senpai, since it gives an old vibe. Call us by our name"

I nodded in understatement and lead him to the crib in the living room where Ikio was laying. The moment we closed in, Kirishima gasped.

He started cooing on spot. I was standing beside him with a fond smile. Ikio looked confused at Kirishima, which was so cute because Kirishima tried imitating him.

Two cute people in the same place, my heart can't take this. Cuteness overload!

Kirishima looked hesitant with something, as I picked up Ikio and sat on the couch with Kirishima. I couldn't help but ask him if something is wrong.

"Oh! I was wondering if I could hold him...?" He looked so cute and nervous at the same time. I cooed out loud, he got confused at that.

"You look cute when your nervous Kirishima! I couldn't help but coo at the way you asked. Of course, you can hold him." Kirishima looked away in embarrassment.

I slowly held Ikio to him. He looked a little scared, but when I assured him that I would help him, he took Ikio into his arms. I smiled at that, helping him hold Ikio in a comfortable position.

Kirishima gasped. "His skin is so soft! Just like Bakubro's. So Midoriya, why don't you tell me about yourself." Ooooh! Katsuki's skin is soft, huh?

"Call me Izuku, please, it feels weird hearing my senior call me with my last name..."

I started talking about myself, more like rambled. But Kirishima didn't seem to mind. We had a lot of similarities. We were so relatable!

"That's so manly dude! So I'll tell you about myself then! You know my name. I am a very best friend of Bakubro. I love manly things. I like dancing and listening to songs. I can also sing, I guess.

I am quite energetic and I love making new friends. I have a boyfriend, who is also a part of the squad. His name is Denki Kaminari."

"Wait, you have a boyfriend? Does that mean your gay?" I asked quickly, then mentally scolding myself that it was obvious.

"Yes, is that a problem?" I could feel the worry laced in his tone "What? Of course not! I am hella gay myself! I was wondering if you guys accept it... "

"Good to know you are not homophobic. It's a real relief. And of course, we accept you, we are manly! Like come on, I am gay, Denki is gay, Hanta is bi, Ashido is straight, but she does support us and finally Bakubro is bi too! "

I stopped myself from getting excited over the fact that Katsuki's bi.

"You have a thing for the word 'manly' and 'Bakubro' huh?" I asked with a smug look "Umm...yeah, I say that a lot...." He nervously chuckled.

Kirishima gave a sheepish smile, with Ikio long asleep in his arms.

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