Chapter 20

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Izuku's POV

Last night the dinner went by in a blur. Everything seemed so perfect in my life for years. I didn't think I would deserve this much happiness after all I'd been through.

At that moment, I and Katsuki were watching a movie named Moana. After not being able to spend time with Ikio, my mind unconsciously drifted back to him while seeing a cute Moana in her babyhood.

My phone rang suddenly startling both of us. I looked at the caller id and frowned thinking what would he need at this hour? Katsuki then looked in too.

"Put it on speaker, Izuku." I was about to argue back, but after hearing his stern voice and how threatening he looked right now, I decided against it.

Shoto: Hey Izuku! I could call you that, right....?
Izuku: Of course Shoto. Anything you need?

Shoto: Not exactly, but where are you now?
Izuku: Katsuki's house of course.

Shoto: Shall we meet up then? With the other two, of course.
Izuku: Um...I guess...
Shoto: I can hear your hesitation. Will Bakugo be fine if we come over?
Izuku quickly looked over to Katsuki after seeing a subtle nod, he replied to Shoto.
Izuku: I don't think he would mind.

Shoto: That's great! See you soon.
Izuku: Yeah sure, Sho!

The old nickname slipped before I even realized it I know that we are on good terms, but that can't mean that I am going back to the way we were.

I cut the call and looked at Katsuki, he looked angry. Dang! He is hot when he is angry. But seriously, what might have made him angry.

"I have a doubt Izuku if you don't mind me asking.." Izuku gave a small nod as if asking him to continue. "Why are you still nice to them, after all, they did?"

I expected this question.

"Well Katsuki, I know what they did was a mistake. But honestly, anyone would have thought that I was just using him as a toy! I was known as a badass, even though I am the total opposite.

People just assumed I was, I was kinda dominating and cold back then. I am not someone who accepts people easily, though there are exceptions.

Like you, your mother, the Bakusquad, and the rest of Dekusquad. It's just that I feel like myself when I am with you guys.

They just assumed I used him as my toy, but I was upset they assumed and clearly didn't understand me.

I just didn't accept their apology because I knew it would bring back nightmares. The worst nightmares of my life. But now I am over him, I am trying to heal myself.

Besides those three don't have a great backstory either. All of them suffered in e way, leading to depression, they don't do feelings, you know.

Shoto's father was abusive, he did change now, but it was just too late to do so. His eldest brother ran away from home and is assumed dead.

He was literally like a robot before we got close to him. He was taught to hide emotions. He was always emotionless. But we changed it as said went by, and he warmed up to us.

Ochako's story isn't that great either. Her family is just a middle-class family. They didn't have much money, so she lived her whole life listening to her parent's cries and worries.

She wanted to study so she can fend off her family. She wants to do this all for her family so that they didn't have to work overtime just for surviving.

Tenya wasn't any great either. He always looked up to his brother. He wanted to be just like his brother. But due to a nasty accident, his brother lost his ability to walk.

It crushed Tenya. His brother was the person who news keeping him together, but it all went away because of a dumb accident in which the other driver was at fault!

I honestly expected all the others to think that way, but I didn't think my friends would think like that.

So I wasn't angry at them, I would never be. I was just disappointed.

I also understand their perspective. They wanted to cheer me up and make me smile, but they didn't understand my love for my boyfriend.

Their intentions were good. But the way they expressed it, wasn't."

Katsuki nodded in understatement. I knew he would get to my perspective someday. "Their whole life was just so depressing, and also the fact that they went through this at an early age."

Before I could respond, I heard the doorbell ring. I giggled to myself after hearing a secret pattern that we used to use back in high school.

Katsuki looked confused but switched off the tv and went to put the popcorn away in the kitchen since it might be disrespectful.

I opened the door with a cheery smile. The three who stood outside were kinda tensed but relaxed after seeing my smile. I welcomed them inside.

Shoto greeted Katsuki in an informal way, to which Katsuki replied with a slight smile. "So is anything wrong?" Ochako looked up at me and smiled.

"Oh! Not exactly Izuku! We wanted to apologize properly today since we couldn't the other day because we felt like invading your privacy and the ones of your friends.

So, we are truly sorry for assuming back in the time." The three of them stood up and bowed straight 90°. I laughed at their formality, to my surprise Katsuki chuckled too.

"Don't worry y'all I am 100% sure Izuku isn't mad." upon hearing Katsuki's words the three immediately snapped back up, in a questioning manner.

"He is right guys, I went angry, just disappointed that you didn't know the true me," I said with a sad smile.

The three looked down on guilt. But before I could react, Katsuki beat me to it. "Do you hat he holds grudges? Besides, I heard about your........backstory, I guess. I am sorry for what happened."

"It's okay Bakugo, it was neither of our faults," Shoto replied with a kind smile.

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