Chapter 42

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3rd person's POV

It was the morning of their date day(?) and Katsuki was lying wide awake in his bed, he woke up earlier than his alarm so he decided to lay silently and collect his thoughts, he was honestly just too excited for his brain to function properly.

Just half an hour before his alarm, Katsuki went to Ikio's room, to get him ready since Mitsuki might be arriving anytime. It has been more than a month since Ikio went to his grandparents' house.

The moment Mitsuki reached the doorstep, she was just about to ring the doorbell when Katsuki himself opened the door and passed Ikio gently.

"Seems like someone is excited, today.." Mitsuki said with a smug look on her beautiful features. "Oh shush, old hag, I don't want Deku waking up! Now leave, I have to wake up my boyfriend!"

With a slight smile on her face, Mitsuki left the place to get back home. She missed her grandson after all!

Katsuki wanted to wake up Izuku with kisses.

And that's exactly what he did. He crept up the stairs, careful not to make any noise, opening the door without any creaking sound, Katsuki went to Izuku's bed and sat on the edge.

He sat there for a few moments, admiring his beautiful boyfriend. "Wake up, baby bun." Katsuki went up to Izuku and slowly started kissing his face.

Izuku lightly stirred in his sleep, suddenly feeling ticklish. "Kacchan! That tickles!" Which didn't get Katsuki to stop continuing his actions.

He gently kissed his cheeks, forehead, and nose then crept his way to the most awaited plump lips. Izuku immediately kissed back, feeling bliss.

"What's got you so lovey-dovey, Kacchan?" Izuku whispered in between their sweet kisses. "I am taking you on a date today. Ikio is with my parents."

"Thank you, Kacchan." Katsuki picked up Izuku's bridal style and started walking downstairs, "You shouldn't thank me, babe, you deserve the world!"

The couple started working on their breakfast, pancakes, which were specially requested by Izuku. They had a peaceful breakfast, in one other's presence.

Time skip~

The boys were getting ready, one with curiosity and the other with nervousness. Katsuki was quick to pick up his rose bouquet before Izuku came downstairs.

With one hand behind his back, Katsuki presented the bouquet to his lover, who took it with burning cheeks.

"Thank you, Kacchan," Izuku said trying his best not to stutter in front of his glorious boyfriend.

Opening the passenger door to Izuku, Katsuki sat back in his driver's seat and took off.

Even though Izuku was constantly asking about their surprise date, Katsuki simply replied that he will have to wait. "We are here!"

Izuku came out of the car to see a movie theatre with Katsuki standing in front, waving two action movie tickets. "Oh my god, Kacchan! I love action movies!"

With that the couple took off to their movie, Izuku was excited about the movie, while Katsuki was staring at his beloved boyfriend's face.

"Oh god! The movies about to start, Kacchan!" Honestly speaking, Katsuki was not interested in the movie, but rather in his boyfriend's sparkling face.

Halfway, Izuku noticed Katsuki starting at him, "Is something there on my face, Kacchan? You seem to be staring at me." To which Katsuki replied,

"Yup! Too much beauty for the world." ( I recently saw a sappy romantic film and I think it's rubbing off on me)

Izuku hit Katsuki playfully on his arm, with an embarrassed face. "Kacchan, that was not.....what I expected" and turned around to continue watching the film, ignoring the burning gaze on him.

The movie ended sooner than expected, much to Izuku's dismay. Nevertheless, he kept rambling about how cool the movie was, having not paid attention to the movie, Katsuki didn't understand anything.

Yet again, the couple was driving off to their next destination, which was the carnival! Izuku turned around to Katsuki and gave him a big hug.

Izuku looked like an over-excited kid, which has Katsuki smiling internally. The couple proceeded to walk around, finding small shops to play at.

Katsuki won a bunny plush, which reminded him of Izuku. For the rest of the trip, Izuku kept hugging the bunny plush.

Soon it was late in the evening and they decided to finish their carnival trip with a Ferris wheel.

Katsuki loved the Izuku looked that whole day. Especially now, the horizon was turning reddish-orange and Katsuki loved the way it reflected in Izuku's face.

"I love you Izuku." Izuku turned to him, smiling with tears in his eyes. This was the first time the word 'Love' was used by either of them.

"I love you too, Katsuki." They understand the seriousness of each other because of the usage of their first name. It had Izuku tear up.

"I think I am finally able to give up on my hopes of Camie. I can accept the fact that she is in my past. And you are my present and future.

I love you so much, Izuku. You made me realize who I am. I know we started this as a trial because we didn't have any time to date.

But I think this moment is special. I want to be your boyfriend. For real now. So, Izuku do you wanna be my boyfriend and be known as 'mine'? "

Izuku giggled, confusing Katsuki, "I already am yours, Katsuki. I love you." A beautiful warmth spread in Katsuki's chest. It was nice.

Izuku could finally have someone to call him and only his. If anyone could help him forget the past, then it would only be Katsuki.

Katsuki had done so much to Izuku that he can't even list them out or it would take years. Izuku felt super happy when he knew that his crush on his hot boss was being reciprocated.

They both ate so glad that they found each other and started dating.

Maybe this was the best decision both of them ever did.

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