4. His Number

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I know that I've been cruel in my selfish way


It was Friday and San had a suitcase packed, waiting outside his house for Yunho to come and pick him up. As he waited, Hongjoong pulled up instead, with a smile on his face.

"Yunho sent me. Get in, we'll meet the others at Wooyoung's place," Hongjoong said through the open window. San nodded, taking his luggage to the trunk of the car, he saw Hongjoong's dark grey one already inside, so he heaved his one up and put it next to his boyfriend's one. San went around and sat in the passenger seat. He felt nervous because it's been a while since he and Hongjoong had spoken properly. He felt as though Hongjoong was purposely avoiding him. Maybe he had done something wrong, but he couldn't think of a single reason.

"Did you forget you have to wear a seatbelt?" Hongjoong questioned jokingly, leaning across and pulling the seatbelt into place. The small action made San feel shy, so he cleared his throat and looked ahead.

"Let's go," he said, so Hongjoong started the car again and together they drove off to meet their friends.

Hongjoong drummed his fingers against the steering wheel as they stopped at a red light. He briefly glanced at San who was gazing out of the window, seemingly daydreaming. Hongjoong wanted to say something to lighten up the mood, but he had no idea what to say. Eventually, as the light turned green, he thought of something.

"Sannie?" he called, earning a quiet hum in response. "I'm sorry for being a little distant recently. I really hate this tension between us."

San looked at Hongjoong's side profile, smiling a little. "I'm sorry too. I had some stuff to take care of which is why I haven't been around recently, but I know that maybe I should've put it aside and given you some attention too."

"Don't worry about it, I was just being a little petty. If it's important, you should give it your all."

The rest of the journey passed by in a more comfortable silence and Hongjoong was glad that he got the courage to apologise. Now he just hoped that they'd be able to spend some quality time together, so that San would trust him a little more. Hongjoong knew that something was on his boyfriend's mind, but he knew that it was a secret that San didn't want to share yet. No matter what it took, Hongjoong would find out sooner or later.


"FInally you two are here!" Wooyoung exclaimed. "What took so long?"

"Traffic," Hongjoong replied bluntly.

San pulled his case out of Hongjoong's car then looked up to see the rest of his friends. Yunho and Mingi were sitting on their suitcases, their long legs kicking off the ground and sending them flying across the hall. Yeosang stood on the side, doing everything in his power to dodge the spiralling luggage with boys in top.

"Wooyoung, you do know that you're going on this trip to research the area... right?" The stern voice of his father said.

"Yes father, I know," Wooyoung sighed, rolling his eyes. He took a file from his father's secretary and hastily stuffed it into his bag. "I'll do my best."

"Most importantly... have fun," he said, a small smile forming on his lips. A grin spread across Wooyoung's face as he led his friends to minibus his family prepared. Everyone loaded their bags and chose their seats before they finally set off.


When the group arrived, they gasped at the beauty of the resort. It was on an island, surrounded by crashing waves. They walked past the sandy beach and headed towards the main cabin, looking around at the breath-taking nature. A sea of trees stretched far out behind the main cabin, vines and branches reaching out of them.

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