16. Drown In Sorrow

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Missing you comes in waves...
Tonight I'm drowning

In the morning, San set off for Busan, his first stop being Haeundae Beach. Throughout the journey there, he wondered about what he could possibly find, hoping that it was something that would help him uncover the truth. His phone started ringing and San looked at the name that popped up on screen. It was Wooyoung, but San didn't know if he should answer it. He didn't actually want any distractions, so he switched his phone off, pocketing it.

When he arrived, San looked around, taking in the beautiful urban surrounding. He was glad for the weather being sunny, as he walked slowly to the beach. He bought iced coffee on the way since he hadn't eaten a proper breakfast. As he walked, he watched how people in their daily lives, the way they spoke and did things were slightly different to what he was used to, but he found it interesting.

Finally he made it to the beach, walking onto the hot sand and scanning it for anything that could jog his memories. He had to admit, he did recognise it to be the one he almost drowned at, but he was hoping to get something else out of the visit. Something like a different memory perhaps, or even a clue that he could follow. There had to have been a reason for that person wanting to kill him.

He thought back to his memories, remembering the words that were spoken.

"Oh my precious baby boy... Hongsik can't be yours... because you were mine to begin with." He stepped closer to him, a sinister smile on his face. "And if I can't have you... then no one can."

San shuddered at the thought, as he pieced the things together in his head. 'This person seemed to know Hongsik... seemed to have some sort of relationship with me... but was it so bad that he had to kill me? How possessive...' San thought, as he sat down on the sand and watched the waves.

San stayed for most of the day on the beach, trying to see it anything happened, but it seemed that he was low on luck. He sighed, standing up and brushing the sand off his trousers. He looked at the water again and a sudden idea came to him. He looked around, noticing that most people were either on their blankets, enjoying the last rays of the sun, or they were packing up their things to head home.

He took off his backpack and shoes, leaving them as he walked towards the water. San didn't really have a thought process for this. He was just desperate for something to jog his memories even a bit, so that this trip wouldn't be a total waste. Standing on the shoreline, he looked down at the rippling water, debating whether he should touch it or not.

After a few minutes of thinking, San closed his eyes and stepped in.

He could feel the wet sand in his toes as he slowly stepped in a little bit further. 'Why wasn't anything happening?' he thought, not wanting to go any deeper than he had to. San didn't seem to have much of a choice though and by the time he was knee deep, he finally saw something.


Beautiful ones that sparkled along a huge metal structure, lighting up the night sky. From where he was sitting, he could see it perfectly, like a display. San looked to his side and there was the man he recognised. The man had a smile on his face and his hand was intertwined with San's as the two looked at the night view in front of them.

They made eye contact and San's heart fluttered.

He began to hear his own voice speaking. "Thank you for bringing me here Hyunsik, it's breath-taking."

"I'm glad you like it," the man named Hyunsik said. "It took them 8 years to build this."

"I can't believe we get to see something like it. It really shows how the world is changing," San replied, not taking his eyes off the bridge in front of them.

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