3. Another name

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Isn't it amazing how fast someone can become a stranger


"Don't do this to me... please, don't leave... I love you... Hongsik."

Hongjoong stared at San, surprised when he heard the name of a stranger come out from his lips, but it didn't end there. Tears were continuously slipping down San's face, as he repeatedly called the boy named 'Hongsik', his hands clenching into fists.

Although in this moment Hongjoong wanted to cry, knowing that his boyfriend was dreaming about someone else, he began to worry when San's movements became more aggressive.

"Don't die on me, Hongsik! I can't live without you!" San cried, his hands creeping up and around his neck. Before Hongjoong even realised what was about to happen, San tightened his grip around his own neck. With each word he spoke, his strength increased, as Hongjoong tried to save his boyfriend. However, it didn't seem to work. San continued, coughing and choking as he lost control over himself.

"San, stop it!" Hongjoong yelled. "You're scaring me!"

Hongjoong heard voices, realising that he must've woken up San's parents. He looked at the door as a woman dressed in a nightgown came rushing in. Instantly she dropped to San's side begging her son to 'stop his nonsense'.

San's father simply came in, with a glass of water, pouring it straight onto the boy's head. His eyes suddenly shot open, his breathing raspy and noticeable. San's mother immediately hugged him, crying onto his shoulder about how he should never do something like that again, but San himself looked lost.

"Are you okay?" Hongjoong asked cautiously, putting his hand on San's leg.

"I'm fine," San replied as if nothing had happened, but his hoarse voice was proof of what Hongjoong witnessed. "What's wrong with you all?"

Before his mother said anything, his father spoke up, his voice stern and displeasing. "Nothing, we heard noises from your room, so we came to check on you." After that, he took his wife by the arm, telling her not to worry as he led her out of the room.

"Hongjoong what is going on?" San asked, using his blanket to dry his face. "What noises?" Suddenly, San's face turned from confused to shocked. "Did you take advantage of me while I was sleeping?" He hissed, his arms wrapping around his body as some sort of protection.

"What!?" Hongjoong almost yelled. "What the hell made you think that?" His ears cheeks were beginning to flush, as he huffed, avoiding eye contact with San.

"Nothing... I-I just thought... never-mind." San leaned against the headboard of his bed, pulling his knees close up to his chest. He stared at the wall in front of him blankly, subconsciously rocking back and forth. Hongjoong stood on the side, watching his boyfriend's movements; those slow, hypnotising movements. He began to find the situation rather creepy.

"Hongjoong," San whispered, his voice sounding higher than it normally did. "What actually happened?"

Hongjoong contemplated on whether or not he should tell San the truth, but he decided not to. He really didn't want San to worry, even though this encounter completely filled Hongjoong's mind with worry.

"Nothing, go to sleep San," he whispered, stroking San's hair and laying him down on the pillow. "I'll see you tomorrow."

Hongjoong tucked San back into his bed, then left the room, quietly closing the door behind him. He left the house and entered his car, sitting the in the driver's seat. He firmly gripped the wheel, remembering the way San had behaved just then. Hongjoong never thought that he'd hear the name of another man come out of San's mouth like that.

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