6. Our Paradise

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Picture perfect only works in movies


The next two days were filled with joy, excitement and fun for the six boys. Wooyoung gave them special passes that enabled them to take part in any activity within the whole resort. They enjoyed every single second, coming back to the cabin at night exhausted after such busy days. Things between San and Hongjoong seemingly improved as they shared many sweet moments like walking along the beach hand in hand as the sun set, dinner for two at one of the many restaurants and a canoe ride on the lake.

At the moment, San just came out of the shower drying his hair as he walked into the living room of the cabin. Only him and Hongjoong were back, the other's were still out. San smiled as he saw Hongjoong watching something on his phone. He approached his boyfriend from behind, hugging him. Hongjoong laughed, putting his phone down and pulling San to sit next to him.

"Come, let me do it for you," Hongjoong said. San nodded, turning around so that Hongjoong could dry his hair for him. The soft way that Hongjoong handled the towel against his hair made San feel at ease. Though it was something so simple, San liked it... it was comforting in a way. When he was done, Hongjoong placed his arms around San, who turned around to face his lover.

San sighed as he allowed himself to be wrapped in Hongjoong's arms. "Only a few more days and we'll have to leave this place and go back to reality."

"You're making it sound so sad, our reality is not so bad is it?" Hongjoong asked.

San thought about this and felt another sigh coming along. Maybe Hongjoong was right, but when San thought about it, he realised how tiring life can be sometimes. For years he's been chasing the visions in his head, finding the clues and searching for an answer. He was sick and tired of it. Yet whenever he thought that he was ready to give up, he remembered the way he had felt whenever one of those 'fits' occurred. It was like he was actually the one in the memories, like he had lived those moments. They felt so real, yet so unfamiliar. All he wanted was to know the full story of the scenes he sees.

"No, it's not so bad, but I wish we could've stayed in this paradise for longer. It feels like I have less to worry about and every moment here with you has felt so amazing. I don't want it to end yet."

"We'll still create more memories like these... we have our whole lives ahead of us together."

"Yeah, I'm sure we will," San smiled and pecked Hongjoong on the lips, then nuzzled his head in the warm crook of his boyfriend's neck.

"San... is something bothering you?" Hongjoong asked bravely.

"Not really," San lied. "Why do you ask?"

"It's just you seem kind of closed off sometimes. I respect your privacy and all, but I still worry. You just don't seem like yourself and I just wanted you to know that you can trust me with anything. If there is something bothering you, please tell me. I promise to listen and help wholeheartedly."

San lifted his head and looked Hongjoong in the eye. He could see how serious the older was and it made him feel bad about keeping things from him. However, San wasn't ready to tell Hongjoong yet. The reason he kept it a secret was because he knew that explaining something like this would make people think that he was crazy.

"There's nothing wrong Joongie but trust me, if there's something, I will definitely tell you when I feel ready." It was a vague answer, but San could say nothing more. It didn't seem like Hongjoong minded though because he gave San a warm smile.

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